Will April Showers Lead To May Flowers For Sara And Greg?

Posted by CaptainMiracle51:
<font color="lightgreen">How come in this situation, if the guy sneaks a peek, it's considered wrong, yet if the girl sneaks a peek, it's considered funny? Just of note, If I were the guy in the situation, I wouldn't try to sneak a peek, just because I know I would get caught. Then again, she might get turned on by it.....I'll leave it at that.</font>

Well, speaking for myself, I don't consider it wrong for the guy to sneak a peek. I think it's only natural curiosity. If you think about it it's a win-win situation. If you look, that might be kinda sexy (if he wants to look he might be interested - of course both need to be interested for this to work) and if you don't look you'll get points for being a gentleman (and being a gentleman is by most women considered sexy - at least myself and the women I know). So guys, no matter what you do, should you ever find yourself in that situation, you win! ;)
I really hope that something starts between Greg and Sara (as they are my favorite pairing if you couldn't tell already;)). It would put an interesting twist in the series as Sara's obvious crush on Grissom would become doubted if she were to start feeling something for Greg. Besides, CSI: needs more character input to see what they feel on each case and what their life is like/was like and stuff.
I can't decide if I want them to get together or not...I used to be a dedicated Grissom/Sara shipper...but I haven't been as obsessed lately...I just don't know. lol I guess it depends on how they go about it on the show.
I think they would be a great couple. I mean, why wouldn't Sara like Greg? He's wonderful. But I think the whole shower think is too much. I mean, I don't mind Greg in a shower :D, but Sara in there with him just makes me think that the writers are trying a little too hard.
Hmm, I saw the preview at the end of "Ch-ch-changes" last night, and something tells me Sara gets caught peeking. I dunno. It's a quick clip, you see Sara peek and Greg turn around (mind you it's just his head and shoulders...) but he has this look that it like, "Whoa, so busted."

We'll see I guess.