Will April Showers Lead To May Flowers For Sara And Greg?

CSI Files

The April 10th issue of TV Guide got the inside scoop on a scorching episode of CSI that will see very little clothing.

According to the magazine, characters Sara Sidle and Greg Sanders will be shedding their clothes together in an episode that will air in April. "For reasons that will be spelled out during the episode, the two CSIs must take a decontamination shower together. And it's Sara, not Greg, who sneaks a peek," said columnist <font color=yellow>Rich Sands</font>.

The episode in question is "4x4", which will be told in the Rashomon writing style, where every act will be seen through the eyes of a different CSI team with certain overlapping scenes. Sidle and Sanders will be working together in the episode, trying to figure out how a healthy body builder ended up dead at the gym with no visually apparent cause of death. When the crime scene suddenly becomes a biohazard, the two characters will have to hit the showers – together.

The Sidle-Sanders flirtation is not news to the show's fans, who have watched former lab rat Greg Sanders pine away for Sara Sidle's affection for years. The characters have been working closely since Sanders was promoted to CSI, but with the Grissom-Sidle potential romance cohabiting the show, the outcome is anybody's guess. <font color=yellow>Eric Szmanda</font> admits, Greg's cursh may have been his doing (news): "I was campaigning for the series-regular role, and then I was campaigning for the crush on Jorja."

Pick up the latest issue of TV Guide to read the small blurb. "4x4" is set to air on April 14th. Thanks to <font color=yellow>Al Forno</font> for this!<center></center>
I'm a big Sara/Greg shipper, but have always thought it was all in my imagination. I really am shocked that TV Guide ran the article from this point of view.
oh my god feel ashamed for sara sneaking a peek i hope he doesnt catch her ,hes good looking and stuff but getting a shower together would you just die of shame :eek: but i do think that would be funny
I agree, it is a nice little play on words.

I think in a way it's good that it's Sara sneaking the peek and not Greg. I mean, we already know that Greg has a MAJOR crush on Sara, and she's been flirting with him since day 1, as it were, so it's kind of nice to know that she actually wonders, if you know what I mean. It shows that she might possibly have feelings for Greg as well as Grissom, which, if my suspicions turn out to be true, would put her at the apex of a lop-sided love triangle. Now, not to make any of you Grissom/Sara 'shippers upset, but I think it would be really good if she stopped pining after Gil and went for a more attainable goal.
Posted by gregsandersfan:
I agree with you. :D

As for your signature: It is really a funny moment when Sara says to Greg "You're awake. I hate you." :lol:

what ep. was that???

TEEHEEEEZ...why couldn`t they take a shower...right after one is done? oh well..i`m okay either way! WOOO HOO GREG IN A SHOWER!! lol :D
<font color="lightgreen">How come in this situation, if the guy sneaks a peek, it's considered wrong, yet if the girl sneaks a peek, it's considered funny? Just of note, If I were the guy in the situation, I wouldn't try to sneak a peek, just because I know I would get caught. Then again, she might get turned on by it.....I'll leave it at that.</font>
better greg than grissom, i mean can you imagine that scene? *shudders* Now that would give people nightmares!