WOW! Just wow! This has got to be the most dull interview I've ever read! Maybe someone should check her pulse because she appears to be in a flatline. Call 911!
Yes, I know that not everyone can have a breathtakingly personality and be smart, adorable and hilarious in an interview, but she was beyond plain!
( Like in school :
Teacher: What is the photosynthesis?
Student: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria, and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce......
Know what I mean?)
That's peachy in theory! Now, she just gotta get whatever it is that she imagines out of her head and show it to the world! Aka : act! :lol:
Poor Hill! What were you thinking! *pet*
Nice to see that when asked about Lindsay, her answer is all about Danny! And it's kinda sad, that Lindsay is all over the place not just for us, but also for Anna.
That explains a lot!
Now, that explains everything! Yes, that's what she's been doing from day 1:
" just sort of ". Not really here, not leaving, just sort of !
It's OK not to have chemistry? Right, cause you can fake it! *not* *headdesk* And we all see how well that works, huh?
Sorry to say it, but chemistry is everything! Everything! Chemistry between people it's what makes the world go round!
On a positive note: she's always honest! Was honest about the fact that her audition was bad, that Hill helped her, that she is clueless about Lindsay, and that there is no chemistry at all. Gotta admit that much about her! Guess I'll just never be a fan!