I really don't think the show "needed" another main female character. It would have been fine with just Stella, who i believe was strong enough to pull her weight as the female part of the show.
There is what the show needed and then there is politics. They HAD to add another female. There is no way CBS could get away with having a show with only one female in the staring and supporting cast. Feminist watch dog groups would be all over them. There has to be a certain females to males ratio.
And yeah, other characters have had storylines after Lindsay's arrival, but all of them had decent enough introductions in season one to warrant continuing their stories throughout.
ok, i am trying to be as un-biased on this as i can. Here is my position on Lindsay: She is my least fave out of the CSI's, but i don't hate her. I don't care if she is there, i don't care if she isn't. So I am impartial really.
You could also argue that since she was a new character, that they had to have some kind of storyline going for her for character development. I don't buy that its all because of the addition of Lindsay.
Also, she was absent for a good chunk of season 3. If her character is the only reason for Hawkes being ignored, why didn't they use that time for his character? Did they? Nope. I would say the addition of Lindsay probably only affected Hawke in early season 2...and that is about it.
It's a bit too easy to do that. CSI does not strike me as a show that would allow that in anyway, shape or form.
I really dont think it has anything to do with him being black, and I dont think it makes tptb think that he'd be less popular at all to the fans.
Well, i knew my comments on this would get misunderstood. But i didn't explain it very well...
I didn't mean direct racism,that people don't like him or tptb give him less screen time because he is black. I meant indirect racism. Which happens all the time, but most of it is subconscious.
There is a theory in psychology that humans are naturally attracted to others who are similar to themselves. This makes sense, since we do tend to clump together based on similarities. However, this biological drive also separates us racially. Yes, i know that people do mingle and have interracial babies and all that jazz, but I am referring to a primary attraction. We don't all segregate based only on race, but we do stick to familiarity. And i am talking mostly about physical attraction. So if you grew up with only white people, chances are you won't be attracted to others from a different race. Not because you hate black people, its just a natural attraction. There is another theory that humans are attracted to others who look like ourselves, because deep down, we are all narcissists. And this would also explain why we tend to stick to our own race, because we seek people who look like ourselves. I have been to many schools that are multicultural (since i am in canada, the most multicultural country in the world), and let me tell you, no matter how small the building was, every group segregated themselves. It always happened, but there wasn't much racism going on, it was just people sticking to similar people.
ANYWAY, what i am trying to prove, and had to explain in an overly large paragraph since i am not good at communicating, is why being black hurts Hawkes as a character.
The hot white guy is ALWAYS the most popular character on north american tv. Since we are a mostly white nation, fans gravitate towards these characters the most.
Its that initial attraction that occurs, which goes on in your brain without your knowledge. And because of this, Hawkes is perceived to be less popular and because of that, he gets less screen time. The screen time and storylines are based on popularity of the characters. That is why flack gets a lot more than season 1, because he is a very popular character.
So to rephrase, i am not saying fans don't like hawkes because he is black, just that they naturally gravitate towards the other guys, mac, flack and danny more. As a result of this, Hawkes doesn't have as much screen time, and because of that people forget about him. This message board is living proof of this occurring.
Ok, so hopefully my novel makes sense.
but with CSI: NY's lack of diversity, it really stands out when the only non-white member of the regular cast continually gets shafted.
And that just looks terribly bad on tptb's part.
er...yeah, sorry. I study human genetics and biology (almost done my degree! In fact, i am procrastinating on an assignment as i type this)...a lot of genetics, for the past 4 years. So i tend to pick out human traits and characteristics of people, i like to make observations of them. His facial features look somewhat Caucasian, his nose, eyes and skull shape. I could be wrong, just observing it. I don't really care, just find that sort of thing very interesting.
I have to disagree about Warrick--I think Warrick has had some great storylines on CSI right from the beginning. His gambling addiction was something that came up right away, and since then he's dealt with stuff happening in his old neighborhood, had a flirtation with Catherine, got married, got divorced, developed a pain pill dependency and even was a suspect in a murder investigation.
He had good storylines in the first 2 seasons...then he got put to the side. The marriage storyline was so non-existent, i wouldn't even classify that as a storyline. On the vegas board for the last couple of seasons a lot of complaints about the lack of Warrick's screen time have been posted. And again, he is easily the least talked about CSI. Yeah, he has had more than Hawkes for sure, but he is still the most ignored CSI out of the vegas bunch. He also had less screen time in the last couple of seasons.