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i was trying to add a post to my fan fic and it says that the forum is no longer valid! why is this? i'm not done with my story yet! now i lost the whole new part that i've been typing up for the past hour!
I believe you took too long writing it up on the reply box. When you type, and type, and type (especially something as long as a fanfic) then try to send it, the post won't go through. It's a timed thing, or something... I don't know the correct term.
What I suggest is that if you have alot to type, you should type it out on Microsoft word or wordpad, or whatever writing software you have, then copy it onto the reply box.

Sorry. That's why you always need to copy your posts just in case that happens.

Took me a while to figure it out. Oh, and welcome to the boards. :)
Do what I do? When you write a long story, replied it then edit it again 'till you get done. I do it all the time. I know what it like to take this long, I have to replied the story then edit it. I hate it when they do that to me when I take too long.
Also I find that the Quick Reply section doesn't work for me. So, I end up clicking on reply from the person that replied last. Hope that helps!
well its not that but i mean because yeah i wasted an hour typing it but i don't really have spell check on this computer i'm using but thats not the problem NO ONE can post on my fan fic now and i'm not even done with it yet

okay well now its working...thanks for the help and thanks i know i've been on talk csi files for a while but i forgot i had an account for a couple months but i love this site i just wish i had photoshop and all the cool things so i can make signatures and icons and wallpapers the only thing i can use is paint
Thanks Everyone who has helped NicksSexyBabe: you guys are right, there is a sort of time limit while you're posting here, that's why it's better for to copy and paste, than writing directly on the box.

NicksSexyBabe, you must be happy to had an answer so quickly from really sweet members ;)

Since the problem is solved, i'm closing the thread .
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