Who would like to see a csi Miami baby?

I agree with Finch, however....:p it would depend greatly on who the character is & the storyline that surrounded it.
I won't be shy here.....I say no to an e/c baby. IMO, a happy little couple-with-baby just doesn't fit with the Miami theme -- they're too into depression, tragedies, & being pretty damn miserable. I don't care to see it, & personally I think "happy little family" should stay in fanfic.

Now if one of the boys (guess it would have to be Ryan or Walter) had some random ladyfriend show up unexpectedly about 5 months preggers, or if Natalia wound up pregnant by an unknown interest & had to raise the baby as a single Mom & CSI/go through the pregnancy on her own -- then I say ok, I wouldn't mind either of those & I think they could be interesting developments for their characters. Even a niece or nephew that one of the CSI's take in & have to raise alone would work for me -- I guess I just like things to be more challenging & a little dysfunctional.