Who Should Take Horatio Clothes Shopping?

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Thanks Dynamo1 trying it out!

Thought this would be funny! When things get ugly......

That is funny. That is what the real H would look like if he did everything that Super H does. I love the look on his face. He really looks peeved. Maybe he went through one too many explosions.
Eric and Ryan. simply bacause they both have good style and taste and both know how to dress to impress so.....i think they could get H in some very sexy colors like green and blues and maybe even in some reds.
The Simpsons Movie character creator doesn't give as many options, but here is Horatio from the SPD (Springfield Police Department) Bomb Squad. (That's what his T-shirt says.)

Anyone except Nicole Richie or Paris Hilton. Or Lindsay or Brittany for that matter.
That is outta the show. In the show probable Ryan and Eric... OOH! SPIDER PIG SHOULD TAKE HIM SHOPPING!
If Nicole, Paris, Lindsay, and Brittany took him clothes shopping, he could have a nice fatherly talk with them. He could tell them about his brother. He would probably get them to promise to mend their way. Too bad there isn't a real Horatio for those celebrities. It is sad how their lives have turned out.
I wanna take him shopping. I bet it would be fun. I love him in the suits. He looks awesome in blue and white shirts. Something with light strips would be good.
Yeah Spiderpig should take him shopping! lol
I could never take ANYONE shopping... I'd just buy white t-shirts & black pants. Whoop-dee-doo.

I think Yelina should take him shopping... :devil:
Could you see Horatio carrying around a pig in Miami. The pig would have to wear sun glasses. He could talk to it while he is trying on clothes. That would be a scene.
I LOVE h and his wardrobe is very casual and sexy...but I would say Ryan could do the trick of helping H get a new wardrobe! :)
Sphinx said:
Could you see Horatio carrying around a pig in Miami. The pig would have to wear sun glasses. He could talk to it while he is trying on clothes. That would be a scene.
Yeah, but a hilarious scene, none the less. lol You have a point though...
Hey everyone, We believe this discussion should really be better suited for the Horatio Thread from here. :) It's a perfectly good thread that needs some more attention and there has been much talk of his wardrobe there as well. ;) Feel free to continue things there.

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