Who Said It?

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I think noealonso is right, I THINK. I watched that episode about a week ago, but i'm not guessing. Still saving my guess. :D
Hunter, you are allowed to guess more than once. It's only after you guess *correctly* that you can't guess again for 24 hours ;)
Marns you are right..that was the one I was thinking about in 'Game Over'
However now I think of it Tripp did say it in 'Grave Young Men' too...but I am going with Marns..take it away
Oh your right. Thanks dragonfly. :)

Yes it was DEFINATELY Franky in GYM. It was the 1st scene in the graveyard, Tripp and Horatio. I remeber because that's the episode Speed got flashed by the suspect. *snicker* ;)
Mmm... Cookie.
Yes, I believe she was the only one who called him that. I don't think anyone else would have gotten away with it :lol:

Yeah... Sorry about that.
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