Who Said It?

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Wyoming said:
Care to tell us which one it was from? If it's season 1 or 2 I'm gonna pull it out, if not I obviously can't watch it :lol:

Okay, are you ready for this? It's from Blood Brothers :lol: It went something like this:

Alexx: (walks into DNA lab) She's looking over your shoulder isn't she?
Valera: Occupatioinal hazzard
Calleigh: I am a dedicated cival servant, just like you Alexx

Sorry, I actually meant to include that in my last post, but I completely forgot.
yes, it was frank. FreakyLady answered first so its her turn :D

and i apologize for not getting back here sooner, its been a rough week
^ Perhaps you were thinking of the 'Name the Episode' game? You have given us the character who said the quote, which makes this...Very easy. :lol: ;)
oooo its the wrong game-but I know the eppy, its Dead woman walking ain't it? sorry I know its not the right game but I watched it to day and wanted to show off sorry *blushes and runs to corner to crouch and hide*
OMG, I so stupid. That happends when you do five things at the same time.
I'm so sorry and so embarrassed. I think I'm going to delete my post and someone else can continue this game.

:mad: I can't believe it. :( Maybe I shouldn't take part in this game anymore...
Don't worry about it! You didn't do anything wrong. I can understand mixing things up. It happens. :)

Don't let it discourage you from participating in the game. *hugs* We'd love it if you'd continue to play the game with us. :)
Aww, :) you're so nice speed_cochrane and Thumpy :D Thx

ok then I'll try it again:

Who said this??
"This place is a buffet for these creeps!"
Argh! I was i minute too late! Yes, that was Speed in 'Broken'. With the child rapist and killer; Stewart Otis.
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