Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

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That would be Horatio in Big Brother!

(I was just posting a quote myself when you put this one up, Grissomrules!)

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OK, it's been over a week, so I'm going to assume I got it right, and post another quote...

X: What is is?
Y: More importantly, what was it?

OK, it's been over a week, so I'm going to assume I got it right, and post another quote...

X: What is is?
Y: More importantly, what was it?
Didn't realize this was lying dormant so long. Good to see it's up again. :confused:It's not a wild guess. I'm pretty sure it's Eric and Horatio, but not at all sure of episode. I'm thinking maybe "Ashes to Ashes", when they find the burned out car with the dead woman inside?
OK, it's been over a week, so I'm going to assume I got it right, and post another quote...

X: What is is?
Y: More importantly, what was it?
Didn't realize this was lying dormant so long. Good to see it's up again. :confused:It's not a wild guess. I'm pretty sure it's Eric and Horatio, but not at all sure of episode. I'm thinking maybe "Ashes to Ashes", when they find the burned out car with the dead woman inside?

Well, guess what? You are.............................

...................................correct! :thumbsup:

Over to you, inthewind.
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It appears this thread is dormant but, on the off chance it really is due to needing a clue, here's one:

:p It's obviously a male character, from an episode in Season 6.

Well here's another toughy!

-:I can pretty much have any guy in school I want..
X: The one guy you couldn't have he ended up dead

Who is X?
Thanks. This should be easy.

X: Hey. You must be the tow truck driver.
X: I prefer automotive recovery expert.
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