Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

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Okay, the thread has floated untouched for a few days so I'll go again:

X: (Looks up) Oooooh-kay.
Okay, the thread has floated untouched for a few days so I'll go again:

X: (Looks up) Oooooh-kay.

:lol:Sounds like something that was just on last night; maybe Walter in "Miami, We Have a Problem"?
Nope, though it does sound like something our Walter would say. :lol:

Horatio in 'Golden Parachute'?
That's it. :thumbsup: One of my favorite Horatio moments. He looked totally perplexed in that scene. It was win. :lol:

Your turn, Finch.
Yay! :D

X: Come on, don't you guys have some gizmo to track this thing? That blue light with the buzzers and bells or that mass-spectro-detecto-whatever-you-call-it thingy?
You are correct...however... :/

We have a 24-hour rule in place, therefore you were technically not eligible to guess again until tomorrow at around 5pm MST.

First page said:
If you correctly guess a quote you will not be eligible to guess again for a period of 24 hours. You may, of course, still post a quote to start the next round and confirm/deny the correctness of any guesses, but you cannot participate in any following rounds for one day. This rule has been put in place in order to open the game up to as many members as possible and will be closely monitored.

The 24 hours usually starts as the quote is posted. It's probably a good time for a refresher anyhow as we have plenty of new members around these parts. :)

At any rate, the next person to happen upon this thread can go ahead and post a quote.
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