Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

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Well I don't like fun and I'm always a very earnest person! :p

NO of course I can be very funny. ;)

But now here are the next lines:

X: Do you think we can trust him?
Y: Do you?

Good Luck and Have Fun! :)
I'm no fun either...!:lol: I believe that was Stetler and Horatio in Dissolved - talking about Ron Saris.

Yeah you're good! :thumbsup: It's of course Stetler and Horatio talking about Ron Saris in Dissolved!
Sooooo... you're up now! :)
:wtf: I can't believe there hasn't been a guess on this one. Has everyone gone on vacation? It's pretty easy.

Haha! I thought it would be a bit tricky because it's from so long ago - but not for inthewind!

A clue for the rest of you - it's from a VERY early season. In fact, the earliest one possible! (In case you're really stuck - that's Season 1!)

Hehe! Thank you!:)

Next up:

X: Gives us a nice time line

:lol:You would think I was a patient individual-------NOT! Just busy.
I thought for sure Speed_Cochrane would be in here with the answer. Maybe she hasn't seen this one.

It's Speed, talking to Megan (?) in the first episode of Season 1, Golden Parachute. ;)OMG, I'll be so embarassed if I'm wrong.
It's Speed, talking to Megan (?) in the first episode of Season 1, Golden Parachute. ;)OMG, I'll be so embarassed if I'm wrong.

Ah, inthewind, I knew you wouldn't last long!!:guffaw: You are soooooooo...


All yours, oh smart-but-impatient one!
Impatient? Who, me?:guffaw::guffaw:
Please forgive if I spell this wrong. You all will get the meaning.
Up next: X: "A whole kaleidoscope of ingredients."
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