Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

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OK, I don't know if you're really struggling with this one, or just too busy with whatever seasonal festivities you choose! So, in case it's the first one, here's a clue or two:

We know it's Calleigh speaking, Cath.S already guessed from the right season (somewhere up there ^^^!). And the words are spoken to a suspect.

Does that help at all?:thumbsup:
Thanks, Cath.S!

Happy New Year to everyone, by the way, and all the best for 2010.:thumbsup:

Next up:

X: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that

Thanks, Cath.S!

Happy New Year to everyone, by the way, and all the best for 2010.:thumbsup:

Next up:

X: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that


:guffaw:Does that mean I get the first one of the New Year and Decade?
One of the best one-liners ever (or at least the best retort). Horatio in "Forced Entry"?
One of the best one-liners ever (or at least the best retort).

Absolutely! My favourite Horatioism of all time!:cool: And I knew it wouldn't take long for someone (i.e. you!!) to get it!:lol:

It is indeed Horatio in Forced Entry

Over to you, inthewind!
OK, I've left this alone for a while, but I can't resist any longer. Not quite a stab in the dark - more a stab in the dusk:wtf::

How about Horatio in Triple Threat (I remember that one was all down to antibodies in one of the triplets' blood or something)?

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