Who Said It and What Episode?

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Yeah that was too easy! ;) Your turn Smokey

:lol: It was! But I actually remember it more for Mandy replying with something about his "doggie door" prints. I like counting how many times they say "doggie door" in that episode. :lol:

Next one....

"Why do they think they can fool us?"
That too, but I'm a GSR fan, and had some written down and practically memorized:bolian:

"Who ya' trying to make feel better, him or you"?
Either not many are around today or you got them all stumped LionsHeart. I know I'm stumped, but that ain't to hard to do :lol:. Don't suppose you got a hint to toss out, now do yah?
Either not many are around today or you got them all stumped LionsHeart. I know I'm stumped, but that ain't to hard to do :lol:. Don't suppose you got a hint to toss out, now do yah?

Thought I'd allow time for someone else to guess, so now that DJ admits to being stumped, I'll say....Nick in Stalker. :)
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