"Who Said It and What Episode?" #2

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Greg in 'Precious Metal', after Grissom observes he's into Marilyn Manson, latex, and coin collecting, hehe.


"I hate lawyers, I hate court, they all need to dry up and die"

You got it right.:) But like sharp52092 said, it would be kinda nice to wait a confirmation before you post the next quote. No offence. :)

No offense indeed, but that is one of the guidelines of the game as listed in the first post of the thread. Guess...wait for confirmation from the poster...then you are free to post the next quote. Thanks! :)
*poke* Dead thread.. better ressurect it before Nick steps in it. :D

New quote: "Somewhere, a swamp is in mourning"
I'm new to this. Do I get to try again, or is it only once a quote?

You can guess as many times as you like, until it's answered correctly. :) The only restriction is that you can't WIN twice in a row - so once someone guesses this one, I can't guess on the next one, or I'd bring down the wrath of Smokey.

It's not Greg, or Grissom - although it was said TO Grissom. :)
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