Who Said It? #3

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Nope, not Clavo or Riaz. I'll give you a very small hint. It's from one of my all time favourite episodes. ;)

So that rules out Seasons 4 and 5!
Just popped in here to see how the games going, Lucy you have these people guessing every male that was ever on the show :lol: I haven't a clue on who to guess. I think they named about everyone so this is totally wrong but Jake?
Great guesses everyone. Glad I got everyone thinking! ;)
Pusher said:
I`ll put my money for Bob from epi 'Big Brother' ;)
Yes! You are correct Ma'am. Well done as it was a slghtly tricky one (unless you know Big Brother very well!) :D

Your turn. :)
ahh my joker was epi. 'Vengeance' - i re watch it few days ago and from there come Bob name to me - but u too give little help re one of ur all time fav epis and i was 100 % sure for BB ;) yes it was hard guess - good job hehe

ok the next person who visit this thread can have my turn.
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