Which series had the best season overall? *spoilers*

Which series had the best season overall?

  • CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • CSI: Miami

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • CSI: New York

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • They were all equally good! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They were all equally bad! :(

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Adam Fangirl
Super Moderator
Now that CSI:NY has aired its finale, all three series are over for the season. So it's time to weigh in! Which series had the best season overall? Vote in the poll and let us know in the comments why you picked what you did. :D
CSI: Las Vegas. Hands down! Thumbs up! :thumbsup: :lol:
The writing was excellent - great stories and character development. I really liked almost all the episodes unlike on season 9 where I only liked the first half and about 3 episodes from the second half.

Next is CSI: NY. Not the best but certainly enjoyable.

Last is Miami. Some episodes were well written but far-fetched. Others were recycled.
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Hands down CSI was the best show from the three!!The stories were generally great,screentime was more balanced compared to last season,a nice serial killer storyline took place and Sara Sidle returned.
CSI:NY takes second place(not one of the best seasons but pretty solid)with Miami on number three(I loved Walter's introduction),but I didn't like the absence of Natalia and Frank.
I liked Miami and Vegas this season overall... though there were definitely some issues with both. Miami- Lack of Nat and Frank, Ryan written out of character especially in the first half of the season, other issues / Vegas- Some of the eps I felt Greg didn't have enough of a presence, probably other issues too.

While NY had a couple of decent episodes, overall I was kind of bored with it this season to be honest.
Vegas without a doubt.Even in a bad day is WAY better then NY or Miami.I liked Catherine as a supervisor,Sara has been a team trooper this season and Nick is amazing as second in charge.They had really good episodes even they still are not as good as earlier seasons.

I have tried to watch NY recently becouse is after Criminal Minds but they lost their touch.

Miami first season was really bad given that Delko was absent and Jesse was front and center.But it got better at the end.
Vegas definitely. Interesing cases, good character moments. Cath in charge...'nuff said ;).

NY was rather boring and the finale didn't help much.

Miami got better the second half of the season. Also didn't help that Adam wasn't on the first half, so... boring for me.

well hello electra :lol:
Vegas. Hands down. As a Nick fan it was one of his best seasons to date. :) Catherine was a much better leader than she was back in season 5. Most of the episodes were enjoyable to watch and quite a few in which the hour was up faster than I was expecting. :)

Miami I only watched 2 episodes (first & last) and NY I only saw 3 or 4 episodes. 10pm is too late for me - I fall asleep half way through if I'm lucky. :lol: I for one am waiting to be able to watch NY at 9pm on Fridays. :lol:

I don't think my answer's changed much from sometime midseason. CSI had the best season, by so far the other two can't even see it. Excellent team unity and quirk, loved seeing Sara back, loved Greg period, loved Catherine in charge, and Field Mice is one of the best episodes ever written :D Doctor Who was pretty amazing, too.

CSI Miami and NY remain tied overall. From what I saw, Miami's improved a great deal in quality while NY's definitely started to slip. But there were some episodes of New York this season that were just great, and some of Miami that (much as I enjoyed the new character additions and didn't care too much about Delko being gone) still bored me a lot or had me going 'wtf'. So they meet in the middle as a tie.
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They were ALL fantastic how can anyone choose "which is the best one" I being a longtime Vegas CSI fan have a little edge towards that one. I guess I would have to say this one. I'm so thrilled with this past two seasons, but espcially S/10,:bolian: and we're so lucky to have Laurence Fishburne as the enticing Dr. Raymond Langston, he's sensational, and remarkable doing this mysterious character. He's beguiling, charming, low-key, laid back, but with a churning fire beneath the surface, which he controls and supresses, but it comes to the surface upon catching the perpretrators & he's shrewd, but enchanting and fits in so perfectly with the team. He's brought class, style and elegance to the team. As Marg said "he's a class act", yes indeed. And it's been great to have Sara back as well. All the finales were overwhelming, and powerful and all with freak-show serial killers and cliffhangers:eek:
It seems like NY had a really bad season.I was considering to watch it now that I am on vacation but nobody liked it,Was it really that bad?

Hello again,hiphugger17:)
It seems like NY had a really bad season.I was considering to watch it now that I am on vacation but nobody liked it,Was it really that bad?

It's not bad, actually. Let's just say that it's not the best season NY ever had. The first half of the season was great. Then there were also some great episodes scattered within the second half.
CSI Vegas, no doubt about that. This season was REALLY good. The storylines were all interesting and captivating, Catherine was an amazing supervisor, Sara came back and was (like electra said) a real team trooper and lots of Nick and Greg. I am eagerly awaiting season 10!!! :D
Geeno,if you have some time,Can you tell me the name of the episodes you liked? Summer is my time to catch up with TV shows.I know I am off topic so moderators can move to the appropiate thread.
Geeno,if you have some time,Can you tell me the name of the episodes you liked? Summer is my time to catch up with TV shows.I know I am off topic so moderators can move to the appropiate thread.

Of course! I know the moderator will understand. I'll just keep it short. :)

Lat/Long, Cuckoo's Nest, and Manhattanhenge - The Compass Killer story
, Dead Reckoning, Criminal Justice (start of a recurring story), Uncertainty Principle, and Point of View - awesome cases
It Happened To Me - Hawkes-centric episode
Hammer Down - the mid-part of the crossover
Death House and Redemptio (another Hawkes-centric) - something different from CSI formula
Second Chances - well, just neglect the acting of a guest star, but this is great! :lol:
RIP Marina - Stella-centric episode
Flag on the Play - Sid-centric episode
Vacation Getaway - I like the finale but some hated it. But you might watch to lead way into next season premiere.

The others I didn't mention were also good. But you might try them. There was nothing really awful or horrible this season, in my opinion.
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