Which Season ...


I'm really interested to know what you guys think, especially since the big change between Season 1 and Season 2, and the death of Aiden and the addition of Lindsay. I think we're far enough into Season 3 to figure out what the rest of the season will be like.

Post away. :p
Alrighty, let me explain my choices. :D

Best Overall: Season 1
Season 1 had diverse cases, great character interaction, fun banter, and so much that just said New York. I miss season 1.

Best Cases: Season 1
Seasons 2 and 3 concentrated too much on the high-class stuff, the bored rich people killing and getting killed for ridiculous reasons. It's not every case in those seasons that is that way, nor were all of season 1's cases better. Overall, though, I have to go with season 1.

Best Characters: Seasons 1 and 3
The core team was best in season 1, but I picked 1 and 3 because there were other characters that were added that are great as well (Adam, Angell, Hammerback, Peyton). Adam and Hammerback were in season 2, but they really shine this season. I love Hawkes in the field, but the character was still there in season 1, and I loved him in the morgue as well. ;)

Best Character Development: Seasons 2 and 3
During season 1 it was necessary to set up the setting and the identities of the characters, so it's only natural that there be less character development then. However, there was development then, and not all of the characters got developed in 2 or so far in 3. Honestly, I don't like choosing stuff like this because it's never cut-and-dry like picking a, b, or c.

Best Writing: Season 1
For the same reasons that the cases were better in season 1, plus the fact that season 2 had Lindsay's multiple personalities and season 3 has the botched Lindsay storyline as well.

Funniest: Seasons 1 and 2
Season 1 had great banter between the characters. Season 2 was funny in a different way, partly because of the way they changed the show. I prefer the humor of season 1, though. Season 3 thus far has been bogged down by certain aspects of the storyline.

Best Acting: All Seasons
Now, this one had me torn. On one hand, I didn't want to vote for a season with Lindsay in it because I think Anna's acting is sub-par; however, that wouldn't be fair to the other actors who still hit it out of the park on a weekly basis. Main characters, recurring characters, guest stars--they were great as a general rule during all three seasons. Sure, we had crappy guest stars, and the Lindsay situation, but overall I can't neglect the great acting from seasons 2 and 3. :)

Sooo...those are my reasons for voting the way I did. :D
It's interesting that season 1 has the most votes so far when TPTB purposely changed the series because they thought the show was too dark for us :lol:

BEST SEASON: Gotta be 1 for me, i caught it on re-runs and couldn't believe what i'd been missing-silly me :p.I was pulled straight in to the characters and storylines, so much so i bought it on DVD :)

BEST CASES: Again S1 because they were well thought out, realistic and intriguing.I can't remember thinking "woah-that's really out there and not in a good way!That would never happen" and if you werent a regular viewer you could tell you were watching NY-and not just 'cos of the skyline!
Granted-i haven't seen all of season 3 yet,just the ones on youtube and what's aired in the UK.

BEST CHARACTERS:All-because Mac,Danny,Stella,Flack and Hawkes are in all the seasons!Ignoring Lindsay,the writers have done a pretty awesome job IMO.Creating chracters i want to tune into every week. :D

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT:All.I really like what i've seen so far in S3 with Hawkes and Mac and how they set it all up in S1 where they really made Danny's character something to behold, and there were some moments in S2 as well though i think they could've been done better.

BEST WRITING:Season 1 without a doubt.The writers seemed to really know their characters and their backgrounds and care about keeping true to that.Plus there was 'On The Job' :D

FUNNIEST SEASON:Season 2 even though i know i've complained about it :rolleyes: the lightening up thing kinda worked for me at first.And there was definately more humour in S2!

BEST ACTING:All.Gary,Carmine,Melina,Hill Harper... what a list!

Hope this posts-i think i took too long to think about it :lol:
I think I pretty much voted for anything that wasn't season 2. Season three got a special mention because the cases have been superb, and Shane Casey goes down in history as my favourite serial killer in a CSI series. That case was SUPERB. Series three also has Peyton and Sid. I do miss Marty Pino though. He was my highlight of series 2, apart from the introduction of Sid.

Otherwise, I'm all about the first series. Awesome visuals, awesome characters, and the Danny Messer people became passionate about before they ruined him. I loved the darker, seedier look they had for CSY:NY back then.
summer89 said:
It's interesting that season 1 has the most votes so far when TPTB purposely changed the series because they thought the show was too dark for us :lol:


FUNNIEST SEASON:Season 2 even though i know i've complained about it :rolleyes: the lightening up thing kinda worked for me at first.And there was definately more humour in S2!

I can't remember how I voted, because it was late and I didn't feel like commenting. I do want to give a point of view on the above. Personally, I liked that the show was lightened visually. I didn't tune in until S2, but I recently bought the S1 DVDs. I gotta say, the visual darkness sometimes got in the way; especially scenes down in the medieval dungeon that was the coroner’s office and interrogation room. I had a hard time seeing what was going on. I also liked that more humor was brought into the show. I am a smart ass who can find humor in almost anything, plus I think that anyone who does a job where they’re dealing with the heinous things people do to each other needs a sense of humor to cope with the day to day stress. It also makes it more real to me to watch co-workers and situations that aren’t serious all the time.

Having said that, I think that you can have the show visually lightened, inject humor and still keep the show “dark” with the type of cases the team investigates. Unfortunately, TPTB took “lightening up” as dealing with outrageous antics of the rich, beautiful and spoiled – making NY seem more like LA, imo – and entangling two main characters in a Disney Channel caliber romance.

So, basically I agree with summer89 on these two points. :) It’s just my nature to have to be wordy about it. :rolleyes:
Great poll, here are my votes:

Best Overall: Season 3
I go for this season because I love it. Of course, there are some things I like less, but hey, no show is perfect! I love the team dynamic, there a lot of great episodes, some even outstanding (Hung out to Dry, Consequenses and Raising Shane IMO),

Best Cases: Season 1
I loved the bit darker cases. Less rich people around. That is one point which can be changed for season 3. Not everyone is rich. I liked the killed cap driver case, an simple New Yorker who gets killed. Not everyone belongs to the rich and famous and they deserve some attention too.

Best Characters: Season 3
I love they have some supporting characters now. Sid is just awesome. I'm so glad they moved Hawkes into the field to make room for Sid. Sid is the funniest, creapiest, best ME of all CSI shows. I also love Peyton, Adam and Angell, I hope they stay around much longer!

Best Character Development: Season 1 and 3
My love for CSI NY started in Season 1 because whe learned so much about the characters. Mac who has trouble with his wife's death, Stella and her mystery background, hotheaded Danny and his emotions and rookie Aiden. I missed that in season 2 a lot, only at the end and then we got almost everything in a few episodes. They do it a lot better this season. I hope we get more of Flack later in the season, I loved the episode where he and Mac disagreed.

Best Writing: Season 1 and 3
Best episodes are from these seasons (season 2 has great as well, but less).

Funiest: Season 1 and 2
Hard pick, but I went for this option. I like some funny episodes once in a while. Fare Game was so creepy with the food, I loved Danny/Aiden with the Robospanker. I've seen that less in season 3. But I don't really mind, see poll nr 1. ;)

Best Acting: All Seasons
The cast is great and stays great. Nothing has changed their so I voted all seasons.
Best Overall: Season One
It was the most New York, the most ambitious, had the best stories and the most cohesive cast.

Best Cases: Season One
Outside Man, ReCycling, Triborough, On the Job, The Closer

Best Characters: All
I would have gone with season one because everyone was excellent then, but we've had some great supporting characters since then (Adam, Sid, Angell, etc.). The only ill-written character is Lindsay.

Best Character Development: Season One
Danny's arc, Mac moving beyond his wife's death, Flack's conflict with his mentor, Stella's case with the orphaned kid, etc.

Best Writing: Season One
See above.

Funniest Season: All
Because Flack has been hilarious all three seasons.

Best Acting: All
The cast is really exceptional with the exception of Anna Belknap.
Hmm...I think I'll go with Season 2 because it's when the whole D/L thing started :) But I'm really enjoying this season too.

I can't seem to remember a whole lot from Season 1, so I'll go with the last two seasons.

I'm loving all the characters, especially Danny and Mac. Probably because I love both actors :) Flack is awesome as well, wish he's get more air time though.

We learned more about Danny's past and how he was connected with the Tanglewood gang, which I really liked. I enjoy watching Kyle on screen, he's a talented young actor.

Some of the stories are absolutely stunning.

Some of the lines they say are hilarious, especially Flack. Also luvin' the whole Montana thing :)

All of them are great :D