Which episode was that?

Hey I have this awesome quote from Mac where someone asks him where somebody is and demands to talk to him and he just says "he's a little bit dead at the moment" I can't for the life of me figure out which episode it is D: any help??

Another thing: what's the episode where the dirtbag tries to fabricate police brutality by bashing his head against the table and then Mac explains simple physics to him, telling him that if they'd been beating him, there would have been a mark on the back of his head from his hands?
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What was the episode where Mac was putting his coveralls on , sitting down and Danny was standing up? There was a murder in a construction site i think and they had to go underground? because i think a bomb or something went off and they used a lift to get down
The episode you described sounds like "A Man a Mile", but it's been a while since I've watched it, so I don't really remember the coverall bit. That's probably it, though.
Hey, another one for you;
Does anyone know which episode is the one where Adam says something in computer babble and Danny says to someone 'what the computer nerd is tying to say is...'
Thank you
Found it!! #5.19, Communication Breakdown. Here's the original quote:
Adam:"...So we did a little Packet-sniffing."
Danny:*sighs*"What our little bearded friend from the Tech Republic is trying to say is that we use a subpeona to try and analyze the data between the servers and the network users. Its basically like bugging a phone, except we digitally figured out what was going on inside of the warehouse without actually going in."