Which character...

While Tripp seems to be the obvious one to get donuts, Brass is the jokester who would bill the department.
Brass.. I can see Brass getting confronted and shrugging, saying, "What? A cop's gatta eat right?" Or something like that.
I almost chose Frank, but decided on Flack at the last moment. I don't know, it just seems like he'd find it funnier.
I know pretty much nothing about Frank, so he was sorta automatically out for me, but even still, as soon as I started reading the question I pictured Flack, so that's who I went with. :)
Once again, new poll--and as usual, the other polls are still open, so feel free to let us know who you voted for if you're just now coming in. :)

In the spirit of the season, one of the coroners played a little trick on the lead CSI from his/her respective crime lab. Who do you think would have done it? :p
Definetly Doc Robbins, that guy is a luagh a minute! He'd prbably have his band on a rotating table in the lab if he could, break into song in the middle of an autopsy.