Which Character Can You Live WITHOUT?

Sarah, Ecklie, Sofia during season 5 but I like her much better in Season 6 now that she is a detective and not a CSI. I tolerate Sarah but if I had my choice I could live without her.
I had initially intended to put down Ecklie the Evil. But then I thought, every show needs a villian right; and Ecklie makes a really *horrible* villian. :devil: Horrible in a good kinda way. Erm... geddit? Nevermind. :p

So I decided that I might be able to live without Sophia. I like her actually, but since I'm keeping Ecklie (though the world would be a much better place without him ;)), I have to let poor Sophia go. :(
Sara. Definitely. Which makes me sad because I used to love the character when the show started but she just annoys me.
Sofie. She brings nothing to the table. Nick would be a close second.

Ecklie is a SOB, but he's necessary for the "in-house" tension --ditto for Hodges.
I could live without Ecklie and Sofia. Hodges closed third chose, if he is not annoyed too much.

GeoffChaos, What Nick ever done to you? I'm not offensed by it. Everybody have their opinion.
So I guess none of you made a New Year's resolution to stay more positive in 2006? ;)

Well, I did. I can't live without any of the characters. :)
first of all isnt this already a topic somewhere?
secondly honestly it would be hard for me to live without any of them
but EVENTHOUGH I'm Part Grillow (I'm mainly Snicker) I could do without Grissom OR Catherine (mainly Catherine though)
also Ecklie gets on my nerves I could do without him as well
Sofie. She brings nothing to the table.

I'm afraid I have to agree with that. Although I have nothing against the actress, the character of sophia really doesn't add anything to the show. I mean, we have Brass and Vartan for the cop roles, so why do we need Sophia?
So I guess none of you made a New Year's resolution to stay more positive in 2006? ;)

Well, I did. I can't live without any of the characters. :)

I vow to be more positive as the Monty Python's sang, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Death..oops..Life" ;)

I agree with you Baba. Some characters I'm less partial to, but I think the show would sink without them. Their like a great dish of stew..each adding to the pot!