What's your sign

I'm a saggitarius, which is perfect becuase I love bow and arrows. And I'm quite the aimer.
September gal here, I am in the section of Virgo, and not alot like my sign, something yes, others not so much (ie perfectionist, etc). In my younger days I might have been therefore when people ask me if I am a perfectionist I say no.. I am a recoverying Perfectionist. :lol: It shuts them up. ;)
"Hi there, what's your sign?" :guffaw: Anyone who watch NY knows that one :]

I am an aquarius. (Is that how it's spelled? :p)
Well my sign is an interesting problem. I'm on the cusp do depending on where you look, I'm either a Cancer or a Gemini. My friends and I just decided to combine the two, so I'm a Cancermini :p