What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

On my other computer it's Stonehenge but on this one it's matte black with gold letters saying XPS 400.
robospanker_fan said:
My obsession with the Legend of Zelda games is getting to be very unhealthy... I can't wait for the next one lol.

My Wallpaper

I used to have that, it's OoT one :D
I still wait for the money that I can buy GameCube *cries* My sis has one. That bastard!
Mine at the moment is a really sweet one that my best friend made me:


Nearly everytime I look at it (reading the bottom) I get tears in my eyes - we are so close and she made this after we had had a huge argument about things that are really close to me, things I think/do, which she doesn't like.
(I'm the person on the top-left, she is on the top-right)