What's Your Blood Type?

Your parents said that?? Whoa, that must have frightened you! What were they thinking telling that to a kid.

Well don't worry. Leukemia patients are usually pale, weak and get sick easily. It would be really aweful if someone with a rare blood type gets this cancer. It'll be hard to get a bone marrow donor. :(

Well, My parents (especially my mom) like scaring me..... :mad:, she used to take a human skull (my mom's Doctor) home, explained to me what I'm like under the skin......of course, I'm immune to that now..... :p

You know, Leukemia is one of the earliest fatal disease I knew when I was about 4 or 5, the other 2 are AIDS and failed kidney... :lol:
A human skull!? That is so cool! I want to see a real one too but no one in my family has any relation to a doctor.

That is such a young age! When I was 4 or 5, I knew Barney didn't exist for real. Whoa, was I upset or what! :lol:
this is quite amusing

So, if you're A you'll discover you're conservative and cooperative, Bs will find out they're eccentric, Os, relaxed, ambitious, but poor on detail, and AB types moody and standoffish! As and Bs should avoid each other as partners, but either would be happy with an AB partner. Os should stick to their own type, and steer clear of Bs.

The famous geneticist Steve Jones's book In the blood describes how researchers have measured the heart rates of people of different blood groups while they listened to music. They found that group As were attracted to harmony, Bs to rhythm, Os to melody and ABs liked all three (especially Bach)!

lol being an O i find this true lol
Hey for all you AB out there did you kno About 5% of Americans are members of the AB blood group - including John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe

and O's did you know we share the same blood group as Elvis Presley Prince Charles, Al Capone and Charlie Chaplin
ancienttomb , i will donate for you!
i'm AB+ and i hope it doesn't matter if you're + or -

draig_goch , really interesting.
so on the first date you have to ask your partner: which blood type do you have? ;)
Hey ancienttomb if you ever need any let me know im AB rh-.
Draig according to that my parents should never have married they are A and B:lol:
You guys are so nice,.....I won't die anyway... :lol:

MANIAC, when I was 4 or 5, I didn't even know what Christmas is, what "snow white" is.....my dad said these stories were made up by adults to deceive children. :lol:

Inge and never a promise, Thanks, you're so nice, but I have a problem----My veins are too thin, the nurses said they're thin like hair.. :eek:.....I remember when i was 7, they drew my blood from my arm, do you have any idea how many times she pricked me?------6 times. :mad:.......

Yeah, O contains no antibosies, I read a newspaper said O blood type is the oldest blood type of human beings, primitive men were all O type back 100,000 years ago....O type people have the strongest digestive system for high protein, things like beef and other "red meat". :rolleyes:

Then in agriculture, A type showed up, they're good at digesting cereals.

B type is commom in nomadic tribes and AB type is the lastest type. :rolleyes:
Hey don't worry ancient I have really bad veins as well. Not the best idea when you're seriously ill and they need an IV line, I ended up having to get a central line, not nice.
I'm not really sure.Either B+ or B-.I got it from my dad. I'm not sure what blood type my mother is.Anybody wants to give me their blood?I'm kinda thirsty.

Seriously?I'm just kidding.
I have no idea what blood type I am.
I woulda found out last december to - I was suppose 2 give blood but couldnt cos i had recently got a piercing, and ur not allowed 2 give blood in the Uk if u've had a piercing within the last year.
oh well - theres always next year i suppose.
never_a_promise said:
Hey don't worry ancient I have really bad veins as well. Not the best idea when you're seriously ill and they need an IV line, I ended up having to get a central line, not nice.

I bet that hurt a lot :(

Plus I have anaemia, that's why I haven't donated blood yet. :eek: