What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

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Happy birthday katpin and Saras_girlfriend. :D

*Maaike, the electricity went off when we were chatting and by the time I came back on you were gone. Hope you enjoy your celebration today :).
Roka4csi said:
Happy birthday katpin and Saras_girlfriend. :D

*Maaike, the electricity went off when we were chatting and by the time I came back on you were gone. Hope you enjoy your celebration today :).

Thanks Rok :) I had fun, I just love quiz night at the Irish Pub :)
this coming January 25th, I'll be 24 .... dang, I'm getting old *gets tomatoes thrown at me* *dodges 3* *gets hit by 4th* (tried using this smily, but UBB, I guess, is different than BBC, which is what I'm use to...
i just saw a birthday cake! happy birthday Desinty! may your sanity never return because we love you just the way you are! :D
:lol: Sanity?? what the heck is that, ahh won't fix what isn't broken. ;)

Actually that cake is apparently for those in which it September 15th already, thats when my b-day is. So thanks either way, that can be confusing. Love you all too.
Destiny said:
:lol: Sanity?? what the heck is that, ahh won't fix what isn't broken. ;)
I don't think there is one sane soul over here. :p :lol: Happy Birthday Destiny! Best wishes. :D

I saw another cake! Happy Birthday to Tinkerbell too! :D
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