What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

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ilovegrissom1 said:
thanks guys, I had a great birthday, and I got over 600 dollars lol I had 80 ppl at my party, so I had lots of fun and got lots of presents!

I feel so spoiled rotten...

WOW 600 bucks- nice job- ;) good friends and family--Happy Birthday- and too eveyone else as well- ;)Happy=Happy ;)
My birthday was yesterday, but technically in the US, my birthday is still today :lol:
Happy birthday Roka and Sunshie. Happy birthday to the both of you. I hope you have a great day.
sunshie happy birthday!

Roka won't come back...We talked on Y!messenger
but Happy b'day to Roka too ;)
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