What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

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Happy Birthday ShurlyuCSI have a great day litle Gemini June great month- and to all others sharing this great time of year Happy Birthday as well ;) ;) ;) :) :lol:
Hey, that's me! Mine is June 10th. I'm turning 16 and I'm having a huge Sweet Sixteen party at a hall! I'm excited...so now, this week is going to DRAG on!
My birthday is June 6th. My brother and dad keep teasing me on the fact that this year it's going be 6/6/06.... you know, because 666 is the sign of the beast? :lol:
You all know I'm not devilish... right? :devil:
Happy Birthday Hestia!! Heh, yeah I spotted the date as well.. and I was actually thinking 'oh my, what if it is your birthday today, that'll be creepy' :lol:
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