Whatever happened to......

Exit 8A

OK, so I stole, um, borrowed this idea from the TrekBBS board. This is more for the "old schoolers". There was a thread on posters who we haven't really seen in a long while, and that got me thinking, there are a lot of people back from when I was a major regular on this board which I haven't seen post in a long time. Then again, I post about an eighth of what I used to post. I am trying to think of some names, but feel free to put down screen names of some you miss.
Man, there are so many I miss on this board! I couldn't name them all.

CSIri- Well she posts one post once a fortnight nowadays, I guess.
Tbonz= when she used to post a lot- but she doesnt nowadays.

I'll think of more.
Nahh, he's hardly missed and no one remembers him. Perhaps it was cos he was such a loser, maybe. :p ;) hehe nah..I jest. :p
I really miss Imat, and on the oppisite end of the spectrum I really hated I forget her name all I remember is she was a Mod with Destiny. She became a mod maybe a little more than a year ago.

Also this isn't a member but, I really miss the days when this Misc board was crazy, with no real probelms. Seemed like everyone was happy and having fun without a care in the world.
I miss Ashley! Well, she was known as CSIGal on here but due to work and family commitments she can't come on no more :( I miss her! I still chat to her through email n stuff tho. Still, she's definitely missed over in FanFic lol

I used to have some fun arguing with lol Agertays lol from Australia. He was a mod in the Forensics forum. Don't see him much these days.
Lol! ^

Yeah, Agertays seems to have disappeared to...I don't know where. Things were more interesting when he was modding FS.

I also miss ancienttomb and sibba.
hmm... yeah, i miss iMat. he's disapeared forever it would seem. we need another resident stalker on this board!
It's like the song "Hotel California": You can check out but you can't leave. It's addictive.
needmorecsi said:
I really miss Imat, and on the oppisite end of the spectrum I really hated I forget her name all I remember is she was a Mod with Destiny. She became a mod maybe a little more than a year ago.

Erm... D has moderated only with Kass and TallyHo. And Kass was here a mod already when I joined the board.
And Misc... it was actually totally f***ed up when I came to mod here (lol, like the whole talkcsi, almost)
Oh those good days what we had with drkate, kazzy and Cat :p

iMat I miss :( Miss a lot
Jeffsey aka stripforensics I miss too and SarahK
I second that I miss stripforensics!!! He was so sweet, and always so nice to everyone. What happened to him anyway???