What Will Kladis Do?


CSI Level Three
As twenty or so fangirls prepare to descend upon LA this week, I can only wonder what JKladis will do. Insanely delusional in his belief that Carmine loves him, JKladis will stop at nothing to protect his territory.

As you may recall, I hunted JKladis down a few months ago. True to his word, he does reside in Carmine's bushes. However, when I advised him of the communal nature of the banana, he refused to relinquish possession.


That may look like fun and games, boys and girls, but I assure you it was not. This delusional psychotic has been known to resort to violence in the past.


Don't worry about me. I regained full range of motion in my neck within about six months and doctors say that with time the brain-numbing migraines will lessen in severity and the ringing in my ears should mostly go away.

But look what happened when one lone and defenseless fangirl threatened JKladis's territory. How do you think we'll react to the possibility that twenty fangirls might want to take a turn with his imaginary boyfriend, or worse, offer up their life savings to watch another man demonstrate his undying feelings of "friendship"?
^ Kladis is too big a pansy to fight for his man. He only fought me because I'm like half his size. But there's no way he can take on twenty of us and he knows it. He'll call Eddie and have Eddie do all the dirty work. I imagine Eddie just ran out to Big 5 right now to see what kind of waiting period California has on gun purchases. By Thursday, he'll be loading up the fattest rifle he can find and Kladis will be laughing his chrome dome off with thoughts of us dodging bullets in our stillettos. :lol:
I voted for the last one. :p He'll hike up his skirt and run. Then after we've all went back home, he'll come back to reclaim his territory.
:)lol: I love threads like this!)

I'm not sure whether JKladis will have the balls to call Eddie or not. You know Eddie probably has a trace on his phone and a pack of attack dogs ready to chase JKladis down as soon as he makes contact. You don't fuck with Eddie. :)

However, the fear of having his territory encroached on by 30 fangirls could be the very thing to push him to make the call--and the very thing to make Eddie turn his attention from JKladis and concentrate on another target...
He's going to run away like a scared little girl. He can't face off against twenty semi-rabid fangirls and hope to leave with his dignity intact. We might have let him leave with his hair, but I think Mother Nature is a good fangirl and has helped us out on that score ;)
Since we all know he will run like a little girl, be sure to get a picture of it to share the moment with the rest of us who are unable to make the trip to LA, please. I wouldn't want to miss that for the world!!
Jkladis will run like a girl, being the pansy ass he is.

Eddie, well, since 20 odd fangirls are desending onto the city this weekend, he will either be holed up in his home with a piece, or a hockey stick or he has left the city for a few days. Jkladis can't fight all of us off- we are women- we are catty and fight mean. :lol:
He's going to stick that banana in Mrs. G's pooper, that's what he's going to do. :mad:

I thought we came to terms, but I see your heterosexual tendencies have resurfaced, determined to undermine everything I've worked so hard to accomplish.

Does Carmine ever complain when I clean his kitchen and he's away?
Does Carmine tell me not to fluff his pillows when he's out on a shoot?
Has Carmine nagged about me when I changed the lock on his back door?

No, he loves all of these things I do for him when he's away. It's a sign of true love.

Let me tell you something, boobies (lower case oos), you'll never understand what a true relationship is like me and my man.

jkladis said:
He's going to stick that banana in Mrs. G's pooper, that's what he's going to do. :mad:
That wouldn't be my oriface of choice, but it certainly makes sense that it'd be your go-to hole.

Does Carmine ever complain when I clean his kitchen and he's away?
Does Carmine tell me not to fluff his pillows when he's out on a shoot?
Well, he may not have said anything outright, but I think diddling his co-worker is a pretty solid indication that he's just not that into you. By the way, notice the theme of absence you used above -- "he's away" and "when he's out on a shoot"? Did you see how much screen time he saw in season three? I doubt he was even at work all those nights you slaved away in a pathetic attempt to care for him ... unless of course you consider the overtime he was logging in his dressing room with Eddie to be "at work."

Has Carmine nagged about me when I changed the lock on his back door?
Hmmmm ... go try your key now. Does it work? Thought not. He must have changed it back. Does that tell ya anything?

No, he loves all of these things I do for him when he's away. It's a sign of true love.
Pathetic man. Is that "He only filed a restraining order because he loves me" mentality an offshoot of the "he only beats me because he loves me" syndrome?

Let me tell you something, boobies (lower case oos)
You noticed my lower case oos? :eek: I can't imagine they'd be of interest to a gentleman of your ... um, predilictions.

you'll never understand what a true relationship is like me and my man.
Oh, I understand and fully appreciate the beauty of a manly relationship. GO TEAM FLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take that, you pansy ass be-atch!

*smoochies to you, Kladis*
Is anyone else predicting a second round of the MrsG vs. jkladis battle? :eek: :lol:

I notice not a single soul thinks jkladis will be welcoming us with open arms and conceding Carmine. Hey, at least he'll fight for his man.

I bet he's calling for back up. Better learn how to duck fast, ladies! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Top41 said:
Is anyone else predicting a second round of the MrsG vs. jkladis battle? :eek: :lol:
He's such a pansy he trotted over to MySpace to call me out. :lol: That's right, Jkladis, try to corner a girl where she's alone and defenseless instead of facing the fangirls in mass and sustaining a severe ass beating.

I notice not a single soul thinks jkladis will be welcoming us with open arms and conceding Carmine. Hey, at least he'll fight for his man.
You think so? There's a pretty strong vote here that he'll hike up his skirt and run. We'll have to see whether Jkladis is man enough to fight for what he believes (albeit without justification).

I bet he's calling for back up. Better learn how to duck fast, ladies! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I think Eddie's loading his rifle this very moment. :lol:
Top41 said:
Is anyone else predicting a second round of the MrsG vs. jkladis battle? :eek: :lol:

Oh, boy - here we go again!! :lol: *settles down to watch Mrs G whoop his ass*
Less than 48 hours to go now...the battle will be epic!

"The Fight for Carmine's Ass" will probably be airing on some X-rated channel next week... ;) :devil: