^ the Compass Killer storyline is comprised of three episodes:
LAT 40° 47' N/Long 73° 58'W
Cuckoo's Nest
(...hope I got those right... :lol
Ultimately voted for Cuckoo's Nest. It had a nice integration of case, characters, and city vibe.
It had a great engage and switch opening sequence.
It had some great character stuff, most obviously with Flack at his low point. Eddie was solid throughout. Still, the rest of the team certainly weren't neglected in trying to track down their friend and colleague. They also had moments to comment on it. It had some internal conflict within the team, not just Mac and Flack's Lieutenant, Sythe, but also between Mac and Flack. Danny also was only
partially magically healed :lol:, and it was nice at the time to feel that progress was hard earned. The ep had a sense of pace and urgency between the personal and the case, trying to find Flack while in the middle of another serial killer manhunt, but it wasn't all just one note, it also had dynamics in the ebb and flow.
It had some great guests. I always enjoy the interaction between Flack and Terence. Eddie and Nelly were great, and similarly, Eddie and Gary were great. This one also had a rare vibe of NY infused for me, and it had some absolutely fantastic visuals, including some location stuff (possibly contributing to the vibe :lol
but they were also integrated nicely.
The case wasn't neatly wrapped up at the end for a change (though being the second in a trilogy that would figure
), but it was nice to see an ep where they didn't get their man, that the middle block was both a step forward in discovering the guy's identity and a step back in his evasion (...This was prior to the return of repeat escapee Shane Casey of course... :lol
. The case wasn't really why I liked the ep, but this installment was easily the best part of the compass killer trilogy.
Honorable Low Key Nod to:
Pot of Gold: a cohesive if low-key ep with some really nice visuals and a great supersaturated palette, some humor, especially Adam, a pretty decent, fun if easily consumable case, a full cast, the appearance of Reed in a non-gratuitous fashion that worked well with the case, #39/40 was fun and unobtrusive, and St.Patrick's as a chronological marker and nod to the parade was a nice change. Flack pasting the leprechaun is worthy in itself :lol: Again, an ep that had a nice balance of elements, woven together well.
Honorable Mentions for Moments Within:
Uncertainty Rules for the midget wrestler (little person wrestler?) and Mrs. Reisling, and some trippy visuals
. Death House: I don't honestly recall much about it, just that it was actually fun to watch :lol:. Rare enough to warrant a mention. Sanguine Love, not really for the case but for the visuals. The opening minutes alone were exceptional, and it was a beautifully moody ep. POV for trying something different and a fun semi-homage premise, and some entertaining character interaction and case progression.
Would like to say It Happened to Me and Redemptio, but I don't think either were super solid eps. The first was ultimately not very memorable, and the latter, while fun, also had a lot of silliness that made me laugh for the wrong reasons. But. They get a brief mention because it was just nice to see Sheldon getting some focus