What the Writers' Strike Means to CSI: NY

Heh. I need to write an article about the strike tonight--I guess I'll wait until we get the news about the voting. :p
Sorry for double-posting, but I think it's okay since the votes are in.

"More than 90% of the 3,775 writers who cast ballots in Los Angeles and New York voted to end the work stoppage, capping the entertainment industry's most contentious labor dispute in recent history."


Hope this will help..

Yahoo News: Writers vote to end 3-month strike - Striking Hollywood writers are going back to work. The Writers Guild of America said its members voted Tuesday to end their devastating, three-month strike that brought the entertainment industry to a standstill.

Tv Guide: The Strike Is Over: Welcome Back, TV! - At times during the past three months, we never thought we'd say it, but ... the WGA strike is officially over. According to the WGA websites, members voted by 92.5 percent to lift the strike order that was enacted November 5.

Tv Guide: Strike Survival Guide "After the Strike: Burning Questions Answered!"
YAY!!!!! :D :D :D

Party in the New York forum!!! :D :D :D

*passes out champagne*

:D :D :D
:D :D :D I was getting so sick and bored of the strike imagining myself watching things like The Biggest Loser and then I'm the loser! So glad the strike is going going gone! :)
Goodbye strike!!!!! :D:D we really REALLY won't miss you! It was about time!! Yaay! *joins the confetti party and has a glass of that champagne*
*clears throat* Now that the strike is over I would like to refresh everyone's memory to not so long ago the following snippet was part of an article on the strike, the article can be found on CSI FILES:

Bill Haynes, who also serves as the technical advisor for CSI: NY, scripted the final episode of the show completed before sweeps, which is scheduled to air on January 16, 2008. "From what we've heard and read on the site, everyone seems supportive," Haynes says. "We feel like we're fighting the good fight. To feel like we have public support and fan support makes all the difference."

What will happen on the show when a resolution is reached and the writers do get back to work? "Danny's going to take his shirt off," Dove jokes. "And Flack's going to take his shirt off."

So to Mr Dove I'm waiting. :devil: :lol:
From CBSExpress:




Here's the rest of the list:


althea said:
*clears throat* Now that the strike is over I would like to refresh everyone's memory to not so long ago the following snippet was part of an article on the strike, the article can be found on CSI FILES:

Bill Haynes, who also serves as the technical advisor for CSI: NY, scripted the final episode of the show completed before sweeps, which is scheduled to air on January 16, 2008. "From what we've heard and read on the site, everyone seems supportive," Haynes says. "We feel like we're fighting the good fight. To feel like we have public support and fan support makes all the difference."

What will happen on the show when a resolution is reached and the writers do get back to work? "Danny's going to take his shirt off," Dove jokes. "And Flack's going to take his shirt off."

So to Mr Dove I'm waiting.

Dear Mr. Dove,

Regarding the above statement, I would like to request that these events take place in the same scene. Bonus points will be awarded if Hawkes, Adam and Mac are involved as well.

Love always,
^ *signs that letter too*

Txs so much for all the info everyone! - Great news, and 7 eps is more than I had hoped for :D
^^ *put me on the list too*.. I'd pay if that were true. 7 episodes is like a dream. April is not that far so I can't hardly wait! Good or bad episodes doesn't matter I will be very thankful! Gosh.. I hope they are not teasing us.. cuz the disappointing will be huge and depression will install on this forum :lol:
Thats soo perfect... it starts back the week after my final year project hand in for university... so i don't have to panic.

7 episodes is still near enough a season which is really good.
Thanks for the information PA, 7 more episodes would be fantastic. April and May will be great! :D

althea said:
What will happen on the show when a resolution is reached and the writers do get back to work? "Danny's going to take his shirt off," Dove jokes. "And Flack's going to take his shirt off."

So to Mr Dove I'm waiting. :devil: :lol:

:lol: Oh my! Excellent memory there althea. Mr Dove should know that a fangirl never forgets a promise like that. :devil: Could I be any more excited about CSI: NY returning? I think not. :D ;)