What the Writers' Strike Means to CSI: NY

PerfectAnomaly said:
I think the amount of money they made before the strike is irrelevant. Yes, it's more money than a lot of us will ever see, but that's not the point.
Not only that, but while the AMPTP keeps throwing out the 'average' salary of WGA members, I have yet to see them state their own average salary. I'm guessing they make a fair bit more than the writers.
I believe informal talks are starting this week. Now that DGA has struck a deal, a lot of people are hopeful that the writers will be able to get a decent one, too. The strike could be over soon--I think people are cautiously optimistic.
Thanks for posting PA. *fingers crossed* Hope the writers get what they deserve and this strike can be resolved.
Maybe someone already ask this but what happens if the strike is resolved in like February/March? Will we get more episodes or is 14 eps. All we are going to get for NY no matter what??
It's possible if the strike is resolved in the next week or two, we'd get more episodes. If it's not resolved until March, I doubt it.
Just thought I'd share this tidbit from an article I came across in the LA Times:

"Outlines of a deal are said to be near, raising hopes on both sides....

"The discussions could still derail, as they did in early December, these people cautioned. The parties remain apart over how much writers should be paid when their shows are streamed online and union jurisdiction over original content created for the Internet. Moreover, relations between the two sides have been marred by distrust and near-loathing as positions hardened in both camps.

Nonetheless, there is guarded optimism on both sides that the outlines of a deal could be reached as early as this week, paving the way for formal negotiations."

By Richard Verrier and Claudia Eller, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers January 29, 2008

That's just an excerpt but you can read the full article here at the LA Times website. You have to register to read it, but it's totally free.

My fingers are still crossed! ^_^
Top41 said:
It's possible if the strike is resolved in the next week or two, we'd get more episodes. If it's not resolved until March, I doubt it.

:( Well lets all pray for and ending soon becasue I really don't think I can last 8 to 9 months with out a freash fix of Mac and the rest. :eek: A CSI:NY Junkie like myself can only live off of reruns and DVD's for so long and I am sure I am not alone on this.

At least the network and creators could do is give us like an hour long episode or a 2 or 3 part miniseries that would tie things up for the season and run it in say May or June. Or start season 5 earlyer like in July or August.

Of course if they wanted to start filming episodes tommorow I would be more than glad to quit my job, fly to LA, cross that picket line and write them! I work cheep, they can pay me in Flack ties! :D
i really.. really don;t want to wait until the summer.. or worse... september to get a new episode.. i simpathize with the writers (i know how it feels to work hard for a few dollars), but... september... really? :(
Of course if they wanted to start filming episodes tommorow I would be more than glad to quit my job, fly to LA, cross that picket line and write them! I work cheep, they can pay me in Flack ties! :D

i'd work for free in that case... hell i'd even pay to get the chance to write an episode... just for danny...and flack :D
That's great news! Fingers crossed that rumor is true! :D
Just read this on TV guide about Greys and apparently could be how it works for the rest of the established shows on most networks... Is that they will do least 4-5 more episodes over march to air in april/may... so least we get something its better than nothing

Strike News - Greys

this is providing the news about the strike nearing solution is correct. :)
This all sounds pretty good. :D My fingers and toes are crossed. :cool: