what makes a good episode?


Police Officer
as title says really :)
for me its got to have tension keeping you interested, a few good twists, a good bit of sandle action, and i must admit, greg's hairstyle also influences my episode ratings :rolleyes: :p
New methods of investigation that haven't been shown before: Science keeps evolving. Since most of us do not read trade magazines for the forensics field, this show keeps us informed.

Recurring criminal: Millander, Blue Paint, MCSK. Have someone once or twice each season.

Continuity, continuity, continuity: The after-effects of Grave Danger, Catherine's feelings about her dad, Tina Brown.
Recurring criminals definatly. i liked the blue paint killer, paul milander, and kelly gordon. [all now commited suicide, weird much?]

some personal things- tina brown, lindsey willows, GSR, Some more about sam braun's death.

and definatly some more lady heather ;)
What makes a good episode? I like when Grissom got the smirk on his face when his team are not looking.

I love it when Nick help the family to find justice. I also love Nick and Sara working together for the whole seasone except 7th season, just one episode they finally working together is Redrum.

I like it when Warrick and Nick working together. I like it when Greg is still in the lab where he is very funny, when he is out in the field, he is not funny anymore. And Brass make sarcasm remark to the criminal.
Continuity, continuity, continuity: The after-effects of Grave Danger, Catherine's feelings about her dad, Tina Brown.

Continuity yes but to also include the after-effects of Brass getting shot.
i want to see something dug up from one of there pasts.

perhaps something about catherine's coke problem.
like lindsey gets caught with drugs or something like that.

that'd drag me in well.
Lots of good dry humor between the team, and having the most unexpected person become the criminal in the end always goes it for me
more science and forensics, less personl stuff. Humor is good too. Team dynamics might be nice, more variety in the teams.

More Greg.
A good crime. One that is different, but well thought out, clearly figured out in front of our eyes.
Team moments. Few personal tid bits about the cast (Greg!!Nick!!) Humor is a good thing too.
I like a decent case or two, more than two only if they're quite well thought out, and I loooove the weird cases. Fur and Loathing is a great example. Humor is always neato (Grissom's sniping at Hodges is my favorite), and I am also a total angst whore. If Warrick and Catherine get together, I will have to start angsting for my SuGGar. :lol: About that. Aside from the science, ships are totally my favorite things in the universe. I love GSR and SuGGar and Sandles is all right, and I love YoBling, and... hmm... I like learning personal things about the characters, Grissom especially. Oh. About Grissom. He has to show up occasionally, because I love my Grissom. :p
I love the humour, and the bits about their private lives. I also love a good mystery but find the kid stories harder to watch. As long as there's lots of Mr Stokes around I'm a happy girl.
For me, the best episodes include emotional scenes, CSI's in the hospital, being shotted and hurted or crying...Hey, don't blame me, I like to see other CSI concerned with these, and more than it, I like when I start feeling bad for them, and praying for their lifes. I also like personal issues and cases where they work all together. To make a perfect one, then a good interesting mistery and new science methods to solve it
A good crime- as mentioned before -one that is creative and different from the others. Also there has to be a lot of investigating. Catching the criminals easily makes the story boring. Also it would be more fun if there is a twist in the plot like the 'usual suspects'. It would be really cool. Also I really hate it when they don't make a conclusion about who the criminal is. A clear perfect ending that leaves no questions would be good. :lol:
definitely agree with them getting injured! didn't want to put it though incase it sounded weird! especially greg getting beat up. that made me cry but you feel closer to them and all that... :)