What kind of cell phone do you have??

At the moment I have a Samsung E900. I replaced my other Samsung one as it was driving me nuts. The one I have is much better, and plus it was a free upgrade. :D
I have an LG VX8600 Chocolate Flip. I just got it like a month ago and I am absolutely in love with it. Good thing too as I used a whole paycheck to buy it...not that I make all that much but still
A silver Sony Ericsson K800i. Love it, it's so cool and as I have it on an 18 month contract it'll be the phone I've managed to have for the longest amount of time. On average in the past I've tended to get a new phone every 9/10 months
CalleighWolfe said:
Mine is a Nokia, which doesn't even have a camera LOL. But I can go to Internet with it, which has saved my life many times :p

I never use the internet on my phone. It is just to expensive what those damn company charge!
So, me and my roommates (excluding one, who has to wait until her current contract is up) just signed a new plan yesterday. We all ended up with the same phones, which are the Samsung m510. (It looks like either a smartie, a jellybean or a soap bar) I have a purple one :). I like it so far, the only complaint I have is the T9 word I'm not having the funnest time using. My old phone would just let me find the word I wanted instead of just typing the one the phone assumed. This one I'll go to type me, and instead it will type of, and I can't change it. Then I have to go turn it on to regular texting, then type the word I need, then change it back. But other then that I like it so far :)
midnightbellzza said:
I like it so far, the only complaint I have is the T9 word I'm not having the funnest time using. My old phone would just let me find the word I wanted instead of just typing the one the phone assumed. This one I'll go to type me, and instead it will type of, and I can't change it. Then I have to go turn it on to regular texting, then type the word I need, then change it back. But other then that I like it so far :)

There should be some sort of arrow or something that lets you change the word cause that doesn't make sense. I know that when I got my phone it took me along time to figure out how but eventually I realized that after I typed the word I had to press the 0 button and it would change words until I found the one I wanted
I really need a new phone...I've had my Samsung D600 over 2 years now. Plus I'm entitled to a free upgrade, so should really sort it out :p
I'd never get a cellphone with a contract. At least here those are usually 24 months contracts and no way I am attached to something for so long :rolleyes:

I like my phoneoperator, never changed it and have had the same number and operator for 8 yrs soon.