What is your favourite movie?

My favorite movies are
- The Lord of the Rings movies
- Harry Potter 1&2
- Pokemon (don't laugh! :()
- Hildago
- and many more!
creg said:
- Pokemon (don't laugh! :()
I'm not laughing, because I love Pokemon-The Power of One, it's great movie with an amazing OST!

My favorite movie?
BlackHawk Down
The Lord of the Rings
Phone Booth
Pride and Prejudice
and a lot more...really a lot!!!
Off the top of my head

The Maltese Falcon
Forrest Gump
Its a Wonderful Life
Meet John Doe
Band of Brothers (not technically a movie, but still really good)
The Great Raid
The first 4 Marx Bros. movies
This is my list of favourite films.

The DaVinci Code
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
Phantom of the Opera
Harry Potter: And The Goblet of Fire
Ghost Ship
My Fair Lady

Oh and i also like Wedding Planner and Black Hawk Down.
My Favorite Movies

Legally Blonde 1&2
How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days
Failure To Launch
Maid In Manhattan
Wedding Planner
In Good Company

Yeah, I'm kinda addicted to chick flicks because I could name a lot more.
OK ! This are my favourite movie(s) all the time ! ;)

Pearl Harbor
The Ninth Gate
A Time To Kill
The Birdcage
I have four they're all quite different,

Napolean Dynamite
The Birdcage
Napolean Dynamite
Dirty Dancing

And the longer I type the more movies I'm thinking of so I'm going to stop here :lol:
hands down no questions asked

THE BREAKFEST CLUB, all time favorite move, judd nelson the king of all the breakfest clubs, and he was on csi to!!!!!

then would come all the lotr movies and then pulp fiction, and winnie the poohs grand adventure lol
Lord Of The Rings.
Narnia (although very similar to LOTR in parts it is undoubtedly very enjoyable.)
Miss Congeniality

And my favourite romcoms:
Sweet Home Alabama
Love Actually
Just Like Heaven
last night when my friend was over with her little step sisters we showed them the princess bride. i forgot how much i adore that movie! its amazing. when i was little we had a tape that was recorded when the movie played on tv, and i wore it out!! now thats how you know you really like a movie :lol: thankfully it was released on dvd a few years back, so of course i jumped on that one. also the labyrinth. great movie that again for the longest time i had recorded off the tv. wow, now im getting all nostalgic for my childhood :lol: