What is your favorite Quote??

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pabzi said:
the gorilla one! i love it! what ep was that? season 3 or 4 i think...
It was from season 2's episode 'And Then There Were None'. :)

I loved it, Brass just cracks me up. :lol:
Okay here are some of mine, I have so many. :D

Grissom: By law, you've got to disclose everything: three bedrooms, two baths and a skeleton.
Grissom: Amazing how the sight of blood can clear a room.
Catherine: Hey, if you can explain the behavior of teenagers, more power to you.
Catherine: A man with nothing to prove. That's a first.
Brass: You're under arrest for obstructing justice, tampering with states evidence, and violating seven articles of scumbag.
Nick: And that's why it's illegal to discharge firearms within the city limits, genius.
Nick: Medicine is about healing, hope is about prayer, that, should be free.
Sara: I know you're upset.
Carla: Upset? Upset is for white people, lady. I'm pissed off.
Catherine: Definitely a crime of passion.
Grissom: You think a female did this?
Catherine: I could have.
Grissom: Scared of you.
Grissom: Hey Doc, tell me something I don't know.
Dr. Robbins: When I was in fourth grade, I dropped karate because some kid half my size made me cry.
Brass: Hey, look what I found: a knife with blood on it.
Grissom: Hey, look what I found, dead guy.
Brass: You're under arrest for obstructing justice, tampering with states evidence, and violating seven articles of scumbag.
Grissom: Hey Doc, tell me something I don't know.
Dr. Robbins: When I was in fourth grade, I dropped karate because some kid half my size made me cry.
Brass: Hey, look what I found: a knife with blood on it.
Grissom: Hey, look what I found, dead

those are some of my favorites too. i can never remember them when im at this thread though for some reason. ill try to think of more.
I like Greg's little song in A Night at the Movies:
99 bottles of beer on the wall
99 bottles of beer
Swab one down and run it through CODIS
and 98 bottles of beer on the wall...

And when sexy kitty takes his head of in Fur and Loathing and Catherine says:
"Hello! Sexy!"
It's not what she says, but how she says it that cracks me up. :lol:
And when sexy kitty takes his head of in Fur and Loathing and Catherine says:
"Hello! Sexy!"
It's not what she says, but how she says it that cracks me up. :lol:
:lol: Nearly every line Catherine has in 'Fur And Loathing' is just excellent.

Bud: I know what you're thinking.
Catherine: You couldn't possibly. :lol:

Catherine: Whoa, Nelly!

Wolf: What's the password?
Catherine: E-I-E-I-O?
Cath: "What are you looking for?"
Gris: "A punchline?"
Brass: "Bada-bum."

Sara: Who's the punk now? B*tch?

Greg: Hope I find a weiner.

So many more ...
Don't kill me if I have more than one!

1)Greg: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Grissom: 'All play and no work makes Greg an unemployed boy.

2)Greg: I guess I should stop trying to impress you.
Grissom: That would impress me.

3)Greg Sanders: See, now we're getting into this whole strip forensics thing and I'm not too sure I can hang with that - even if you are my boss.

4)(GRISSOM rushes into the room. He's giddy with excitement.)

GRISSOM: (smiling) You have to see the birthday present I got for your

(SARA also walks into the room.)

SARA: What's the rule? How long do I have to be here before I start kicking in
for gifts?

CATHERINE: When the spirit moves you, Sara. So, in your case, I guess, never.

(GRISSOM opens the box and shows CATHERINE the "CHEMLAB/500" that he's holding
in his hand.)

GRISSOM: I got one of these chem labs when I was six. I almost blew up the
whole house. (He chuckles.)

CATHERINE: I hope you can return it 'cause, uh, Lindsey doesn't want a party.

GRISSOM: Yeah, what kid doesn't want a party?


NICK: Hey, Catherine what time's your little girl coming by?

CATHERINE: She isn't.

(NICK holds up his own gift, a "CHEMLAB/500".)

NICK: Yeah, but I got her a chem set.

SARA: You keep that; might learn something.

NICK: Stop flirting with me. Cath, really, when's the party?

CATHERINE: (exasperated) What do I have to do -- put it on the bulletin board?
There is no party. My daughter doesn't want a party. Is everybody clear on

(Several pagers beep. Everyone checks their pagers.)

WARRICK: Our car's here.

(WARRICK and CATHERINE head for the door.)

SARA: The burial box is in.

(SARA turns for the door.)

GRISSOM: The victim's ready at Desert Palm.

(GRISSOM turns to walk out of the room. As he passes NICK, he puts his CHEMLAB
set on NICK'S CHEMLAB set.)

GRISSOM: We'll play with these later.

(NICK laughs. He's the only one left in the room. He looks down at the two
boxes and shakes his head.)
Tinkerbell said:
And when sexy kitty takes his head of in Fur and Loathing and Catherine says:
"Hello! Sexy!"
It's not what she says, but how she says it that cracks me up. :lol:
:lol: Nearly every line Catherine has in 'Fur And Loathing' is just excellent.
I agree! :lol: Fur and Loathing is a great, fun episode
Cath: "this guy was about three things, pucks, bucks, and...chicks"

Greg: (to Sara) "You smell like death."....."A real man wouldn't mind"
Back again, this is from Ch Ch Changes, which I think is in season 5.

NICK: I've never seen junkies shoot up in the face before.

WOMAN: It's not smack, it's silicone. Gives you good cheek bones.

MERCEDES: The ones who can't buy silicone ... shoot motor oil.

NICK: Do they?

MERCEDES: Calm down, pretty boy. We're not the monsters. The real freaks are
the suit-and-ties want to take a walk on the wild side -- before sneaking back
to the wife and kids. Want to go?

NICK: Mm-mm.

GRISSOM: Mercedes, I presume? We're with the Las Vegas Crime
Lab, and we're looking for somebody.

MERCEDES: Isn't this where you say my P.O. would be interested to know that I'm
hustling, and you ask for a freebie?

:DGRISSOM: I'm actually not interested in your ass, but the person we're looking for is a human butcher who might be. :D

MERCEDES: I'm listening.

GRISSOM: The game is helping transgenders who have been turned down for

MERCEDES: You want Benway. Benway did my transition, but something went wrong.
And now I can't be a man or a woman. Want to see?

NICK: No. No, that's all right.
gotta rewatch that one.
one of my all time favorites is in crowsfeet.

NICK: Drinking your own pee?

CATHERINE: I ran an Amazon search, I found fifteen books touting urine's
supposed health benefits, including its magical powers to reduce the signs of
aging. Listen to this.

NICK: It is a perversion of medicine, not to mention the bible. I don't get
it. These women-- the time, the pain, the effort. For what? Smoother skin?

CATHERINE: Make a muscle, Nicky.

NICK: What?

CATHERINE: Roll up your sleeve, make a muscle.

(Nick rolls up his sleeve and makes a muscle. Catherine feels the muscle.)

CATHERINE: (impressed) Oh. Now, how much time and effort went into this? I'm
gonna guess five days a week a the gym, low carb, low fat, slow burn, and for
what, Nicky? For what?

NICK: That's a good point, but it's not the same thing.

CATHERINE: No. It's nice, though.

NICK: (chuckles) Well, thanks, I'm not even flexing it yet either.

CATHERINE: Really? But it's rock hard.

(David Phillips walks up to the door and clears his throat.)

DAVID PHILLIPS: Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt ... barge in. I ... normally
would've knocked, but the door isn't ...

NICK: No, no, it's all right, Super Dave. Nice purse.

DAVID PHILLIPS: Oh, uh ... paramedics just delivered it.

(He hands the black bag to Nick.)

first of all i LOVE when nick calls him superdave, second of all the way he said 'nice purse was funny, 3rd...what was going through poor superdaves head. im not sure if you guys remember it, but nick and cath were standing in a way that someone coming in from the door may think that something is going on.
One More For Me!

NICK: So, I hear your marriage is on the rocks, and you're shopping for hookers?

WARRICK: No, but I think I found one that Mr. Cutler likes.

NICK: "Sally. Sweet apple pie." Hmm. Do you really think it's a good idea to sleep with a girl who advertises in a flyer?

WARRICK: Well, I don't really think there's any sleeping involved.

NICK: Hmm.

WARRICK: Don't be shy, though. Give her a call.

NICK: All right, for your enjoyment.

SALLY: This is Sally. Who's this?

NICK: Hi. This is, uh ... Dirk ... Diggler. I'm looking for a date.

SALLY: What kind of date?

NICK: I'm taking a trip around the world. Want to go?

SALLY: Yeah, I'll come with you. You sure you can afford the airfare, darlin'?

NICK: Is two g's enough?

SALLY: Where you at?

NICK: 3057 Westfall. It's right off of Charleston.

NICK: It's a single level building, all the way in the back.

SALLY: What do you look like?

NICK: Um ... I have a little Tom Cruise thing going.

SALLY: All right, half an hour, and I'll be there.

NICK: All right.

WARRICK: Yeah, right.

NICK: Sweet apple pie! The Cruiser.


SALLY: Kind of sweet, actually. He offered me a deal on a vacation.

NICK: Deal? What, like a travel agent?

SALLY: I don't know. I guess. He offered me this.

SALLY: I've never been to Hawaii.

NICK: No ... no, me either.

SALLY: I'd let you take me to Hawaii.

NICK: Yeah, I'm working.

SALLY: So am I.

(He chuckles.)
Grissom (To Sara) I brought you a veggie burger
Sara: Thanks
Warrick: Where's mine?
Grissom: I didn't know you were here...Soy sorry.
i like it in the episode when Warrick and Nick are betting on the man whos car fell over the cliff and they go see Greg, it goes something like this:

Greg: What are the odds up to?
Nick: We don't bet on cases
Greg: Of course you dont but whos winning?
Warrick + Nick: I am
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