What is your favorite Quote??

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From Last nights episode my fav quote is:
Greg: My mom's gonna Freak ( probably not the exact words but I hope close enough
A couple great ones from last night's Fannysmackin:
Cath: Pig & the piglets are in the pigpen.

Cath: make me slit my wrists, why don't ya? I'm raising a teenager here.
iilovecsii said:
(I also love that movie... They get tattoos and one tattoo says "Dude" and the other tattoo says "Car".)

It's Dude and Sweet are the tattoo's. It's like a 5 minute dialogue of "What's mine say? 'Dude'; What's mine say 'Sweet'"

I don't know the Season or Episode, but the "little people convention" in LV in the opening scene...

Grissom: I think we have a little murder

Also, Grissom's closing lines from last nights episode as well.
i've always loved the one from a bullet runs through it (i think)
grissom: and record these skidmarks (or something to that effect, i never concentrated on that line it was what came next)
greg: heh heh he said skidmarks
Grissom had a good one last night: "The moral compass can only point you in the right direction, can't make you go there."

CSIThomas: It was A Little Murder from Season 3, I only know cause it was on Spike last night.
Thank you mrb105. Yeah, I saw that episode before last nights new episode. Seen it several times before, but that line makes me laugh every time.
Has to be the one from last night..."there's 'bout to be an ass-whoopin' right here!" Love you, Nicky!
and another one from fannysmacking--about the word y'all "i say it all the time"

and brass and sofia "he/shes a cop"
I am constantly getting picked on for my "y'all" usage!

I loved Cath's "well, if the bag were REAL..." comment too!
Cats in the Cradle
Greg: Could have been a rockstar.

Greg: Sara...
Sara: I didn't think you could see me.
Greg: I can't. I know that Sidle Scent.

Organ Grinder
Sara (to Greg): I could really, really, just kiss you right now.

Let the Seller Beware
Grissom: You had a reaction.
Greg: I'm Hazmat meat. Quarantine, here I come.
Grissom: Left foot ... eumycotic dermatitis.
Greg: Oh, great. It's probably fatal.
Grissom: It's a mildew-induced skin rash.
Greg: You infected me with mildew?
The entire exchange that follows. It's all about Sara and Greg. (That's what made me cry.)

Sara: Hey.
Sofia: Hey.
Sara: Why isn't there a medic on Greg?
Sofia: Because he's already been stabilized. Sara, he's gonna be okay.
(Sara walks over to Greg, who's laying by himself. This is when she starts stroking his hair and never stops)
Greg: Sara.
Sara: I didn't think you could see me.
Greg: I can't. I know that Sidle scent.
Sara: I'm gonna take that as a compliment. (chokes back tears)
Greg: I scratched one of them. (Sara takes his hand and doesn't let go.) And you should check my vest. I think the same one s-spit on me. One of the cars crashed the D-Denali. I guarantee there's transfer on it. You should process the scene now. Me later.
Sara: I came here for you, Greg.
The whole scene made me start crying! (I was watching it on innertube.) I didn't cry much last night (shame shame shame) but tonight I cried a bucket.
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