iilovecsii said:
also who ever said it I love this one too..
"Dude where's your car?"Greg to nick.
I said it.

I love that quote. I try to repeat it but I can't keep a straight face. It's too daggum hilarious. (I also love that movie... They get tattoos and one tattoo says "Dude" and the other tattoo says "Car". And then I think they say, "Dude, where's my car?!" It's been awhile!)
Another favorite quote (it's a sequence) from 'Gum Drops':
Greg: Whoa! Sweet... Mary... Jane.
Greg: It's a ganju graveyard!
Sara: It's motive.
Another Sara/Greg exchange! (I absolutely love this one-it's better.) From 'Crash and Burn':
Sara:What do you have, Greg?
Greg: Well, maybe she had the munchies. Tox screen came back. Ms. Lombart tested positive for
cannibis sativai.
Sara: Grass?
Greg: "Grass"? So 70's, man. Sticky green, the dank, the chronic, the cush, the happy stick, wacky-tobaccy.
Sara: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Grandma was high?
Greg: Yeah.
Sara: Grandma was high.
(Pretends to inhale on a joint) As a kite.