What is CSI doing wrong?

27dayz said:
I have to ask the GSR shippers, and everyone else for that matter, which do you prefer: the iron-clad truth or the the little hints showing something more?

As a GSR shipper, speaking for myself anyway, as much as I love to know the extent of their relationship...I really enjoy the little hints....the looks...the brief moments they share together teasing the viewers.

I am torn...lol, I want my cake but I wanna eat it too....lol! :lol:
I prefer the little hints too. The show is about crime scenes and the job, not about different romances, so I think if they showed too much it would take away from the point of the show. If you want specifics... go read fanfic, lol.
LOL....*ashamed to be agreeing with loki.... umm....gregslabmouse*.....ok, that is TO long of a name to spell out.....

It's a Forensics related show.....that should be the number one priority...the hinting around and a little here and there is fine, cause it just shows that the characters are humans and are entitled to lives outside of work. But just don't do an overkill of it.........