What Happened To Sara?

CSI Files

Sara Sidle (<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font>) starts out the season in a very pressing predicament.

CBS posted a sneak-preview for the premiere of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's eighth season, "Dead Doll". At the end of season seven, the miniature serial killer, Natalie Davis (<font color=yellow>Jessica Collins</font>) kidnapped Sara. Gil Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Petersen</font>) and the rest of the team were left with a clue about where to find her: a miniature version of the place where Sara is trapped. With nothing but the miniature to guide them, the team must hurry to save Sara before it's too late.

The sneak preview is similar to the promo clips that have been released recently. It begins with Natalie lowering the car down on top of Sara and leaving her to the elements. A coyote approaches the car where Sara is trapped, pinned beneath the car and bleeding. It sniffs around as Sara watches nervously. Suddenly, a clap of thunder breaks the silence, and the coyote is scared away. The thunder continues as rain starts to fall. There are several flashes of Grissom pouring water over the miniature mixed with flashes of Sara in the car, struggling to stay above water.

Sara's fate will be revealed on September 27, when "Dead Doll" finally airs. Will the team be able to find her in time? You can watch the two-minute sneak preview below.

<center><object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/sKJaAAgVzh0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/sKJaAAgVzh0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object></center>

The sneak peek was originally posted on CBS.com. Thanks to <font color=yellow>princessklutz04</font> for posting the clip on YouTube.<center></center>
:rolleyes: Maybe it's just me, but to be honest I will be very glad when September 27th is over just so we can start talking about what might happen during the rest of the season. :p It's not that I don't like Sara, it's just that I find this topic very tiresome. Will she live? (IMO) Yes. Do I still care? Not really.
No kidding--it's the same question and the same few seconds of video footage getting pieced together over and over again. I thought a two-minute sneak preview would reveal something new--but it was the same two clips we've seen, expanded and stuck together plus a few flashes of other clips we've already seen. Either give us something new or move on to another subject. *sigh*
Elsie said:
Will she live? (IMO) Yes. Do I still care? Not really.

Totally agree. It's been hyped to death that it's not suspenseful anymore. It's more like "K, just tell us so we can move on." And really, if she wasn't coming back, I doubt they'd be able to keep that a secret this long.
I think she'll live and I care, but really, I just want it to happen already so we can talk about something else. This topic is so old, it's getting boring. That happens every season though after every finale, but this season it is just too much.
I agree with everyone. Yes I want to see what happens and I'll base my reaction on what the outcome is, but I'm tried of this being the main focus. The topic has out lived it's run and we need new details to chomp on for the nest week.
Thank god it's almost the 27th. I have to agree with everyone here that the will she or won't she is getting tiresome.

Yay for Sofia, Catherine and Greg being back for the new season though :D

wolfesgamergirl - I love your icon :D
is it bad of me to think that situation looks easy to escape? :lol: shes on sand with one free hand...dig sara, dig! plus the mud would really help you get out... but seriously, from the other clips there have been when they find the car i dont think sara is there (judging by the look on grissoms face) so possibly she gets herself out or natalie comes back to move her. further dragging out the finding of sara :rolleyes:

at least its just over a week away til we find out if the writers could pull it off
Well, Natalie lowered the car onto her arm, right? So she'd be stuck--but when it rains there might be mud, like you say. So unless the dirt is too hard-packed, maybe the rain helps her get free and she gets out of the car on her own...

I'm definitely part of the 'just get it over with already!' camp. We've been having the same discussions for more than three months, and we've been seeing the same clips over and over again. Enough is enough!