What character do you identify with the most?



For me, it's Horatio Caine. How much I am like him is kind of scary. I tend to wear business-casual clothing (minus the tux), I do have a sunglasses fetish, and even my hair grows almost the same way as him. It's weird. I also have an obsession with helping people, and justice, which is why I plan on joining law enforcement...in Miami. Not because of the show - because I've been there before, and I've seen enough of it to truly like the city. There are some differences between H and I, but the similarities are shocking.

So what about you? Who do you identify with? Do you know anybody who reminds you of a character?

I do know somebody that reminds me of Calleigh. She's a big optimist, and she's blonde - dirty blonde, yes, but still blonde. And her father is a lawyer.
I'm the most like a couple of them, actually... Like Eric Delko, I am a certified scuba diver, and I can speak Spanish, and a lot of crap seems to happen to me, just like a lot of crap seems to happen to Eric...

Like Horatio, I can be a little overdramatic, and I have a very powerful sense of justice. I would love to be able to wear sunglasses, but I wear glasses, so that's kinda hard... I tend to stand like him, too, hands on hips, head at an angle, not facing someone directly, etc...

I'm even a bit like Tim Speedle, in that I'm a bit excessively sarcastic... Lol And my room is a mess, because I just never go to the trouble of cleaning it... *sweatdrop*
Well I don't identify too much w/ any of them, but here's what I do indentify w/ each of them.

With Horatio....I have the strawberry blonde hair, light complexion & freckles, I have to have my sunnies, too but im not quite as anal as he is about it ;).
I like to be the "therapist" within my group of friends & family, I like to make people feel good about who they are, so in that sense, im a little like H.

Alexx...Im a mommy also & I constantly call people "pet names".

Calleigh....not much there except that we both have big greenish blue eyes. & my "twangy" accent does comes out every so often :D

Im more like Timmy & (a little bit of Frank), I guess. Im as sarcastic as all get out!!

w/ Delko, I have the need for love like he craves, Im not a whoremonger though, & I also would do absolutely anything for my family.

Natalia....we're both a little cocky & can snap at the drop of a hat :p,

w/ Ryan...not much, but I can be a little s%&thead like him every once in a while :D a nice s%&thead, mind you!

That's about all I can say :D :D
I think I'm the most like Alexx with a little Calleigh thrown in. I work in primary education in special ed. so thee's a lot of taking care of the kids as much as teaching them. I'm constantly calling them "honey" and "baby" and such just because I know some of them don't get that kind of loving attention at home. Hugs are freely given and freely accepted. On the Calleigh front....I'm an archer with a nasty deadly aim. Arrows are still projectiles and can still kill someone. I shoot both recurve and crossbow, that would be without all the bells and whistles. Who needs peeps and sights and pulleys when you have a stroong arm and good eye? I've had veteran archers leave the field rather than have to shoot against me and I'm only five feet tall and don't tip the scales at 100 pounds.
I'd say I identify with Natalia the most. I'm the kind of person who seems to get a lot of grief for just wanting to do the job I'm handed. (In RL) And sometimes no matter how hard I try or how good I'm trying to be, it all seems to fall apart. So I kind of understand the struggles Natalia has to go through either because of a misconception or paving the road to hell with the best intentions.

However she also seems strong, willing and most definitely able, which I see myself to be most of the time. :lol: I also identify with her because I know people similar to her or people who have been in similar situations.
:D I knew there was a reason I liked you ;)^^^^
Be proud....it's those characteristics that make a person even stronger. :)
Hmm, I should really be doing something else, but this sounds like more fun :D and mjszud I love your banner.

Horatio- I don't think I'm like him at all really, I wear glasses not sunglasses hehe. I've got dark hair and I'm also not invincible :p

Calleigh- My eyes go green sometimes (when I'm angry) and I tend to not show my emotions a lot, like Calleigh.

Alexx- I'm not that much of a people person and the only person I have a pet name for is my best friend hehe.

Speed- I'm wayy to sarcastic for my own good. haha, so a little like Timmy there.

Eric- I speak a little spanish, but thats about it. Hehe I don't like the sea and would never go scuba diving, it scares me.

Natalia- I have a little more in common with her than I would like to have because of my idiot ex boyfriend, and also at my job, I get hell, I don't fit in etc. i have brown hair also hehe.

Did I forget anyone?
HI! I have never posted on the CSI:Miami forum before. I'm usually in the New York one. As you can tell by my name, I am a Horatio Fan! Anyway, I saw this and thought that it was interesting. I guess I am more like Speed and Calleigh. I am reserved and introverted like Speed, and I always optimistic, smiling, and caring like Calleigh. I think overall I am a Calleigh. After all, she is a female who was pretty much surrounded by males in the earlier seasons, and I am a Criminal Justice major myself...
I actually think that I'm a mix of almost all of them in a little bit, but I would have to say that I identify the most with Calleigh. I'm constantly standing up for myself, I don't like it when people fight my fights, though I don't like to have enemies. When I'm pissed off, I'm reminded of her, because I don't yell, but I give them that really harsh pissed off tone that just makes them feel guilty. When my friends have something they're worried about, or if they're hurt/sick, I tend to care for them like Calleigh does. I once bought my friend a doughnut because she said that she'd been so stressed out, and that was all she wanted. She was very happy. :) I don't know, I can just see myself being "that chick with the gun" who walks around and seems really nice, and then as soon as you piss her off you're reminded that she's a really good shot!
I think I'm like Calleigh/Speedle perhaps some Ryan too.

Calleigh- with the hair color [though i have dirty blonde but w/e]. same eye color, my dad is a lawyer too hehehe though he isn't a alcholic. Also because Calleigh seems pretty optismic and peppy and I try to be optismistic. I think I identify with Calleigh the most.

Speedle- the sarcasm and cynical humor heh

Ryan- idk really know but probalby because i can get angry easily and not necessarily think before I speak.
I'm a bit like Horatio - I wear my sunnies when i'm outside driving, even when there's no sun. I'm extremely protective of those around me. Plus i always seem to work alone.

Though i can be like Speedle - i can be incredibly sarcastic and witty and when i'm feeling down i do look like Miss Negative.

I would also say i when i'm feeling happy i'm as merry as Calleigh! Love my car and love things to swim like Eric.
I tend to be a kinda protector for my friends, a mommy. I try to read them, I know when there is a problem and I try to be there for them. I'm kind of like Alexx, I think she is the mom of the team.
Unfortunately, when I have a problem I'm totally Calleigh. I don't say anything and I try to solve it onmy own because PUBLIC RECORDS, PRIVATE MATTERS...
CalleighD, you forgot Ryan :eek:

I think I idenify more with Speed(RIP :() and Ryan. Which kind of scares me a little bit because Im a girl. Im like Speed because, Im sarcastic all the time. Like so much that people are annoyed sometimes. Im like Ryan because I think Im misunderstood, like he is. I'll try to do a good thing for someone, accidently mess it up and people will get on me about it. But Im also funny like he is :D

Okay Ill compare myself to a girl now..hmm Natalia probably. Shes seems the most "normal" besides the whole "ex" thing. Shes not the "bullet girl" or the "scuba guy" or the "mess up" or the "superhero". For the most part, she just does her job and (yes, for the most part) stays out of trouble. And thats what I try to do :lol:
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I'm alot like Speedle some times he is always being sracastic about things and Im like that. A little like Eric, I know a little spanish and I would do anything for my family. Like Ryan cause is always trying to do good but it always seems to turn around on him, which happens to me alot.
Someone said one the post that they were going into Law Enforcement, so I am I, I also wanna train to be a CSI, funny thing the college I go to is called CSI. But back to the point I think I am a little like each on of them.