What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i'm reading saturday night and sunday morning by alan sillitoe, who died a few days ago. it's meant to be the archetypal british working class novel, and so far it's great.

i also just got a kindle (early birthday present) and i love it! i always take tons of books when i go on holiday - i can get through 15-20 books in a 2 week holiday, and usually about 1/3-1/2 of my case is books, which is bloody heavy! the kindle will be a godsend as it'll be much kinder to my aching shoulders!

one book i've downloaded is one i've read before and i want to give it a quick, shameless plug. it was written by my brother, he did a charity bike ride from new york to rio de janeiro (a pedal bike, not a motorbike) - it's very good ;) it's called the hungry cyclist and you can get it in all the usual outlets ;)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I've been reading Remote Control by Jack Heath.

I'm not one that usually reads science fiction (okay, I hate sci-fi), but this series is just amazing.:p Really.

Lots of critics say that there's a need for more character development in the series (Six of Hearts), but I find that the balance between the character's personal stories and the action/suspense is just right.

This is my second read-through because I was rushing to finish it the first time (it's a bit over 300 hundred; it's took less than an hour to finish it.) This time I'm actually reading, not scanning the words.:lol:

The first book is called The Lab (which is also excellent). I'd suggest reading it before to get to know about Agent Six of Hearts' backstory. Besides, a couple of the bad guys come back in Remote.;)

Currently waiting for Third Transmission (the third and last book of the series) to come out in North America!
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Nowadays, I am reading the Institutes of Biblical Law II of RJ Rushdoony. My goal is to get a better understanding of the laws of the Old Testemant and how they should be included in the New Covenant. RJ Rushdoony read a book a day for 50 years!
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Some time ago I finished Triptych by Karin Slaughter. To be honest, it wasn't that good. I kinda knew from the beginning who the killer would be. The book I finished recently was A Faint Cold Fear, also by Karin Slaughter. It was a nice read with a rather surprising twist at the end.

I just started to read Still Life by Joy Fielding. From what I've read so far I can say this might be pretty interesting.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

That's so funny! I'm reading The Missing by Karen Slaughter :lol:. It's ok, but I've read better.

I'm also reading the online comic Order of the Stick. Starting from the beginning again. I love it! :guffaw:

I have some other books on the go, mostly Ancient Roman histories for research. Oh, and re-reading a few of my Dark books by Christine Feehan.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Was speaking to my mom yesterday (on Mother's Day of course) and both she and my dad are hooked on Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, so I went out on lunch today and picked up a copy of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo". I read a bit tonight and while I'm only about 60 pages in, so far it's at least keeping my interest. Not bad for the first little bit... especially since no crime has even been committed yet. Anyway, I figure if both my parents dug it, chances are I will too. Stay tuned. :)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^ it's funny, they are the kind of books that would normally interest me i think, but you know when you just get totally turned off something because you get to a point where if one more person asks if you read the book or seen the film you think you might punch them? i'm at that stage with the millennium trilogy. they do look quite interesting i guess but enough to counteract the endless hints from everyone i ever speak to, i'm thoroughly sick of them without having even picked one up so i doubt i'll bother :lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^^^ Alright, well... feel free to ignore my final review once I read the whole thing then. I won't be insulted! :lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

haha ok then, it's a deal! i don't mind other people enjoying it - i just wish people would stop asking me whether i have. i think the big problem is that my mother has the memory of a goldfish and seems to ask me about 4 times a week! i've got to the point now where i just wish it had never existed!
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Was speaking to my mom yesterday (on Mother's Day of course) and both she and my dad are hooked on Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, so I went out on lunch today and picked up a copy of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo". I read a bit tonight and while I'm only about 60 pages in, so far it's at least keeping my interest. Not bad for the first little bit... especially since no crime has even been committed yet. Anyway, I figure if both my parents dug it, chances are I will too. Stay tuned. :)

I'm currently on the last in the series now.

The 1st book took about that many pages before i got to the point of going now i'm intrieged cos i found the start quite tedious with all the history but I found them gripping once i got into it and threw me near the end.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

lisa, I know what you mean, I haven't read them for the same reason.

I am reading NOTHING at the moment. I have a couple of books on order at the library, though, and am listening to 'Heroes Among Us' by Major Chuck Larson on my ipod which is a collection of real-life stories about American military personnel who have been awarded either the Silver Star, Navy Cross, Air Force Cross, Distinguished Service Cross or Medal of Honor, which is very interesting.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm currently reading two books:

The first one is The Eight by Katherine Neville. I'm reading it for my English summative and I'm almost finished it. I'm really enjoying it. If you like the Da Vinci Code, I'd reccomend it to you.

The second one is Emma by Jane Austen and I'm reading it for my school's book club. I'm not very far in, but I'm a fan of Jane Austen so I think I'll enjoy this one a lot.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

lisa, I know what you mean, I haven't read them for the same reason.

it's funny how that sometimes happens, there are quite a few books (and films) that i never read just because i was sick of them already!

i'm reading ilnguistics textbooks for my essay due on monday - boooooring. i really should be reading french stuff as i have french exams on mon and wed, oops! looks like i'll be winging it a bit on those :eek:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Yesterday, I finished reading 'The Bay at Midnight' by Diane Chamberlain.
It's the story of a woman, Julie, who is now in her fifties. When she was 12 years old, she and her family had a holiday home on the New Jersey Shore. That summer, her oldest sister Isabel was murdered. A young black man was sent to jail for the crime, but Julie never believed he did it. Even now she still struggles with flashbacks to that summer, and with guilt over what she perceives as her culpability in her sister's death. One day the daughter of an old friend, Ethan Chapman, whose family lived next door to Julie's on the Shore, turns up with a letter found in the home of her deceased uncle Ned's house. Ned had been dating Isabel the summer she died. The letter says that Ned knew who really committed the murder, and he wanted to talk to the police. This stirs up a lot of memories and causes Julie to delve back into her memories of that summer, and talk to her family to try and work out what happened. Her family, her mother and sister, have secrets of their own, as does Julie's own daughter, Shannon.

It was a really good book, a mix of crime thriller and family drama. I really enjoyed it.

Next I am going to read The First Rule, by Robert Crais, the second in the Joe Pike series. Can't wait.