Welcome Wyoming!

Ch-ch-changes! Turn and face the strange... er, uh...

Thanks for being a great mod, Lucy, and good luck in your new forum!

Welcome to Miami, Wyoming! Is that geographically possible...?
Aww bye bye Luce. But I guess, 'hello' at the SC thread ;)

And yey to Wyoming! You'll be great over here. Good Luck.

Jodie xx
Lucy...I wish you all the best over in SC. :) *hugs*

Wyoming, best of luck to you in your move over to Miami! :)
:D Thanks you guys

*GASP* SpeedsDaughter your icon makes me drool! Ahhhh I loves me some Kenny
*GASP* SpeedsDaughter your icon makes me drool! Ahhhh I loves me some Kenny

I know, I loveses the Kenny too... He gets to hang on the beach in his ol' blue chair... preferably shirtless... *sigh*

Anyways, nice to see you here!!! :lol:
Welcome to the Miami forum Wyoming! Hope you like it around here :)

Sorry to see you go Lucy, good luck on the other board ;)
Welcome Wyoming ! :D Nice to have you here!

Bye bye, Lucy ! See you in SC! *waves*

horatiosangel , your avatar... :eek: