Welcome to vBulletin (please read me first)


Hello and welcome,

We're here, and a day ahead of schedule! Talk CSI is now officially in the 21st century and is on vBulletin.

This has been a big job, and there's still some work to do. During this period of transition please take the time to read my points below so that you can begin enjoying Talk CSI as quickly as possible

Login with your display name
On the old ubb.threads it was possible to have a different login name to your display name. There are no separate login names anymore. Login with your display name (i.e. the one that people see when browsing the board).

Having a play
If you wish to play with the code, and how things work, please mess up the test forum. Go crazy, we don't care what damage you do in there. :)

Read/unread post tracking
vBulletin tracks posts very differently to ubb.threads. Find out more in this topic in QSF.

Quoting posts
Quoting and replying to posts has changed, please check out this topic in QSF.

What do all the envelopes mean?
There a number of different post icons, to indicate what's going on in a thread. Find out more here.

The new spoiler tag
It works as before, but looks much better. If you're into spoilers check out how the spoiler tag works.

ARGH I have lots of private messages
The way vBulletin imports, it finds the messages you've sent in the past and places a copy into your inbox. A bit odd, I know, but I guess they wanted you to have a complete log of what you've sent. You can just delete them. Or if you want your ENTIRE messagebox wiped for a clean start, message me.

Premium memberships
Due to continued PayPal problems it's not possible to take on offer new premium memberships, but all existing premium members should have most of their benefits in place on the new system.

Most importantly, enjoy! This has been a long-time dream of mine to get Talk CSI on to a better system, and I'm glad it's finally here.
