Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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hey everyone! My name is Amanda and I'm a big fan of the csi shows but I will say that the LV one is my all time fav one in the bunch. I just joined, but was a lurker 'sheepishly waves' on the boards for a bit of time now. Hope to start talking to more csi fans that really love the show like I do, cause I think my husband is getting a bit hagard with me! :)
Hi, I'm Sonia, I live in Ontario Canada, I just joined a few days ago, during my "does sara live or die" obsession, I found this site and I love being able to chat about CSI on here. CSI vegas is my favorite show, but I like CSI miami too and also without a trace. :)
I'm Sarah, I'm 18 and I live in Hertfordshire in the UK.
I'm a massive CSI Vegas fan, not too keen on the others, will watch Miami occasionaly just to laugh at Heratios mannerisms.
Only really got into CSI about 2 years ago maybe but I've deffinatly made up for all that missed time, now own all the DVDs plus the games and a couple of books lol, I've really become a CSI geek as my friend lovingly told me =]
Favourite characters are Grissom, Sara, Nick and Greg. I'm a bit of a GSR and Snickers shipper.
Can't wait til season 8 hits the UK, though I'm trying to see as much as I possibly can off the net.
Soooo glad that Sara lived =] Was driving my friends mad the past couple of weeks and I'm sure I will be for a couple more.
So yeah, thats me =]
Hi, I'm new here. I joined last night, about 1/2 hour before the Season 8 premiere. I was purely a CourtTV - Forensic Files/Body of Evidence viewer; I just couldn't get myself to watch anything CSI, - I'd miss out on CourtTV ;).

I caught my first episode of CSI Miami last year, and, well, Horatio Caine got me watching CSI : Miami. I started with the first three seasons of CSI : Miami on DVD, and then, my hubby got me the first season of CSI : NY. I have always liked Gary Sinise (Lieutenant Dan lives ;) ), so I started watching CSI : NY.

CSI : Crime Scene Investigation, I started watching that on cable, "On Demand", out of curiosity. I came in on the Miniature Killer story arc. I was enthralled with the Keppler character, too bad he was killed off.

Waiting 4 months for Sara's fate was tough, and ultimately, the search for spoilers led me to this forum.

Great forum, this :)
Hi there fellow CSI fanatics. *waves*

I've been a bit of a lurker on this forum for a while, but I finally decided to register today. I got into CSI around the end of season 6, and am still playing a bit of catch-up with some of the earlier seasons, but so far, I'm liking what I'm seeing.

I also watch CSI:NY, although I can't be bothered to watch Miami. I figure I already watch too much tv, and I don't know, all that yellow seems to get to me.

I ship:

And can appreciate:
Flack/Aiden (the ship name is escaping me atm)

I'm also a big fanfic writer, although so far I've only written one CSI fic, and that is a Snickers fic in progress that I'm sure I will be posting in the fanfic section very soon.

I hope I haven't bored you, and maybe I'll get to know some of you over the next little while (okay, this is such a big board that's highly unlikely, but you get my point).
Hi all,
First I absolutely love LV and nothing can ever take it's place. Also I love Warrick. Nick, Grissom, and Greg aren't bad either. I've been watching from the beginning, and always watch all the marathons. Like when Spike showed it for 4 straight days. I just can't get enough.
Welcome everyone, it's great to have so many new names on the board! I hope you all enjoy it here. :D
Alright, I've registered here yesterday, but I guess it's not too late to introduce myself.

I'm 18 and from Germany.
My favorite show is CSI LV, but I also watch the other two very often.
My favorite characters are Sara, Sofia and Calleigh.
Hmm... I'm very much into femslash (Sara/Sofia ^^ ).

Non-CSI related stuff I like is: MUSIC and softball/baseball. :D
Hi everyone! I'm Julian. I live in New Zealand, but I am visiting the UK for 6 months. I am staying with friends who have converted me to CSI, about 7 years late! I am playing catch up with DVDs and am very glad to find a site like this. Just reading what you all have to say is great, not to mention useful to a newbie fan! :)
hi, im from Sweden and i´m a huge CSI fan. And if you haven´t allready guessed it, my fave character is Sara.
Welcome Everyone! hope you enjoy you're time here please remember to read the "Help Guide" in this forum, for tips and help with the rules and such. If you have further questions feel free to pm "Myself or TallyHo".
Hi, my name is Eva and I'm 21 years old. Originally I am from Germany but I just moved to France to study there.(sorry for any grammar, spelling or vocabulary mistakes. it's a bit confusing to think in german, be surrounded by french speaking people and write in english ;-) CSI LV is one of my favourite TV shows. And my username is inspired by the sweets I was eating while registering.
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