Welcome to the FANFICTION LAND!


CSI Level Three

Winning banner by Dragonfly. Congrats! :)



Hello my fellows writers and RPers!!!

After a really long reflexion, i thought it was time for our section to have her own introduction thread.

That's why, old writers and newbies, you can introduce yourself here, telling us how many stories you wrote etc...

This thread is your thread guys BUT try to not be spammy in here.

Newbies, if you have questions about how our section works, about the ratings or anything else (as long as it deals with fanfiction), post them here, my fellow mod and me will answer you ;)

Have a nice trip on our land :D

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Well hi then, I'm Nikki, 15 and from Holland. I write CSI:Miami stories (and did some LV too, never posted though.) Most of them (no wait, all of them, lol :lol:) are CaRWash and they can be found here. (Nothing above PG-13 there Sissi, don't be afraid ;))

Also I play Calleigh in the CaRWash Rp (shock eh? :p) and I love doing that. Right now I'm kinda hit by writers block, but I try my best. Welcome everyone here!
Why hello, my name is Jessica, I'm 16, and I'm from eastern US. I write CSI Miami stories, and maybe a few NY and LV if requested. I have my own roleplaying site which can be PMed to you if you want it, because sometimes it can go over PG 13 and the PG 13 meter wouldn't like me if I posted the link here :p

So, anyway, I have a few Talleigh fics on TCSI, along with some Hip Huggers.

The Dance (Talleigh)
The Rose (Talleigh)
The Girl Of My Dreams (Talleigh)
All I Want For Christmas Is You (Talleigh)
Four Miles (EC)
One Bad Night (Talleigh)
String Of Pearls (EC) (One of my personal favorites)
Les Sanglots Longs (SC with hints of EC)
Who You'd Be Today (Talleigh) (WARNING YOU WILL NEED A TISSUE)

Any others are found here

I've never written anything over T and I don't plan on it so I should be good lol. Hope you guys enjoy, and I do take requests. The only one I won't write for for Miami is CaRwash, and HM. Other than that I ship almost everything haha.
Hey, I'm Genevieve and I'm the resident Road Trip writer, with just about 7 threads dedicated to this - once before - little CSI:Miami fic. All of the threads are continuations, and it's a parody of the show. (Or it was meant to be anyway. That's why one must read from the beginning because things get spiced up. ;))

You can find all of them here:

CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?
CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects
CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way
Warning: Keep All Hands & Feet Inside Hummerhome. #3 RT
CSI:Miami-road trip

I also write Talleigh, and Speed fics. I'll write NY and LV, doesn't matter to me. :)

Welcome newbies and don't be afraid to get in on the fun!
Hello *waves*

My name is Katie, but you can call me Speedmonkey, hey you, or that crazy talleigh writer!

I write mainly Talleigh fics because thats basically all my mind will let me do. I've done atleast 2 hip hugger fics but those just ended up being about Speed anyways lol. I haven't written anything in a while and I really should stop this little procastination game I have going on and get to it. But like I've stated many times in other places I'm a big procastinator and I'm proud of it.

I could try and write other ships upon request of course but you can't blame me if they sucks big eggs. lol. But I am always up for trying something new. So if any newbies or well oldbe's (ok that doesn't even look right lol) would like a fic made especially for them just PM me with a guideline and what ship or no ship at all and I'll get on it as soon as I can!
I'm Heather I usually write about the ships I'm interested in
Grissom/Lady Heather
and one I'm working on with Catherine and ...well you guys will just have to read it :D
here are the links to my other stories

Sara's Story
GSR through Sara's eyes
rated T


Post Fannysmakin' episode
Rated T

The whole gang
what can happen when the truth comes out
Rated T
Nice idea there, sistah!

I'm Roos, I'm fifteen years old and I'm from Holland. I've had some stories up over here, but I'm too lazy to update them. I will soon though.
I'm Mel, and I mainly write Smacked fic but have dabbled in LV a time or two. Also writing my first Miami ficlet. I'm interested in

YoBling *ducks Lynn's thrown objects*

I'll read other pairings on occasion, though I don't care for slash usually. I do crossovers if I know the other fandom well enough.

I also love RP as Jess and Lynn will tell you lol.
Great idea Sissi. :)

I am Colton, although I prefer Joe.

I write some odd fics, but I mostly read. I write mostly Snickers, Talleigh, and YoBling, but I could be convinced to write others although they may not be as good. I am a HUGE RPer. I am willing to do almost any RP. lol And that's about it.
Great idea, sistah.

Hi, I'm Nora

I write Snickers, Grillows and I will try to write Nick by himself, Grissom, Greg. I will try to write GSR angst, so will be Snickers.

I got a lot of story to write to put it here.

I don't write Sandle, Yobling and slash.
Hi! I'm Megan. You can call me that (or any variation of it), or DragonflyDreamer, or Dragonfly, or DD, or whatever you want. I'll answer to pretty much anything :) Just DON'T call me Meggie :devil:
Before I joined talkCSI, I wrote a lot. CSI and otherwise. However, I seem to have been hit by a major case of writers block, and haven't written anything in several months :( I'm currently trying to work my way back from that, and have serval Miami fics on the go.
At this very moment, I don't have anything posted here, but I think as soon as I'm done posting this, I might post a sample of my work. You should check it out and give me feedback. I love feedback ;)
HI! I'm Missy, and I haven't posted a fic here for a while, but I'm a character in Geni's Road Trip Series. I'm on ff.net, but I only have one CSI story there... I'll be posting my new ones here soon! Welcome everyone!
Fantastic idea Sissi ! I am your other friendly MOD lurking the fan fiction seas. I might be sparse at times because my life can be demanding but I check in once a day usually so feel free to leave a post or PM me and I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.

So break out those pencils, pens, keyboards and have a blast expanding your mind with unending creativeness.
So break out those pencils, pens, keyboards and have a blast expanding your mind with unending creativeness.

I couldn't say that better :D

Hi to everyone!!! **waves** Hope you will enjoy fanfiction Land!!!!