Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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I've been reading through this thread and just saw I didn't say HI yet.

Hey, I originally have been a Las Vegas geek, but after s6 has been a total desaster (at least the last eppis) and through couple of more facts, I'm going to talk about in a minute, I ended up with Miami.

Back in February/March this year I went online with my own Roleplaygame forum/board and a friend of mine (Horatio geek) plays Horatio.

I didn't wanna have a double posting so she posted something into Lily's room and then H and Lily (back then she was couple of years younger than him... and I'm talking bout quiet couple of years) met more often turned into a couple, been through really a lot, married and just had baby twins who Lily have birth to...H had an accident and couldn't walk for quiet a long time, Senior is back and he fought himself out of that hell...pretty exciting...blabla

(If you wanna know the whole story let me know) that I actually started to watch Miami. I had to...to know the characters better.

I didn't like Yelina at first because most of the Germans hate her because her and H have such a good relationship, but she turned out to be my absolutely favorite Miami character. Her, Ray Snr, Ryan and H.

My best friends are all fans of Miami, so I started to watch and Hey... I liked it... so now I'm addicted but can't wait for s4 to be over(I'm absolutely anti Marisol/H).

For me there's just three and a half possible ships for Miami.

H/Y R/Y CaRwash and H/Lily, sounds stupid, but if you really read the storyline from the beginning you really ship these two guys and I do.

All I just can't stand are H/Marisol and H/Calleigh, but I don't fight with the users... just don't read their threads and Fanfics *lol*

Uhm... yeah that's been quiet a lot talking... but still HI from Germany...

If you wanna know more about me or HL or whatever *lol* feel free to ask.
Willkommen snickergeek!

Erm.. why on earth Germans hate Y because of that? :lol: I remember saying that I don't like her because she's some kind of a... beyatch. But now I love her.

Ah yes, it's a good idea not toread fics/go to the threads of the ships you don't like.


Just thought I'd introduce myself and what not. Miami is my favourite of the three shows, but British television's inexplicable decision to begin new seasons of Miami in July, rather than January, may cause me to tread very carefully on this wing of the boards, for I don't handle spoilers very well. S4's arcs and cliffhangers have already been revealed to me - :( - and I have yet to forgive the careless soul who dropped the proverbial clanger.

That being said, hello, again, and I hope to correspond with as many of you as I can over the coming days/weeks/months, etc...
Re: Hello!!!

Welcome to the Miami Forum JimJiminy81. :D

I completely agree with you about Channel Five's decision not to show Miami from January. *sigh*
Re: Hello!!!

JimJiminy81 said:
British television's inexplicable decision to begin new seasons of Miami in July, rather than January, may cause me to tread very carefully on this wing of the boards, for I don't handle spoilers very well.

I can totally sympathise with you there...I've been avoiding certain threads in this section in case I get even the slightest hint of what's going on in s4! Damn you Channel 5! :mad:
Re: Hello!!!

Welcome to the Miami Forum, JimJiminy81! :) We hope you enjoy your stay here.
Re: Hello!!!

Hey all.
Well i've done the obligatory intro thread and picture thread thing so i figured i'd better say hi in here as well as it will probably be where i'll be spending most of my time, because miami is definitely my favourite of the shows.
Its funny really but i wasnt that into it when it was first shown but it's grown on me alot and now i love it!
Re: Hello!!!

Welcome to the Miami thread sazb! *hands out muffins* I hope you enjoy yourself here. :)

And I have to agree with you, I didn't like Miami the first time I saw it, but that show has a way of growing on someone, and here I am, a crazed Miami fan! :D
Re: Hello!!!

Thank you *Takes muffin* i'm sure i will enjoy myself , i've already giggled my way through the most of the madness in the speedle thread. Everyone seems really friendly here so i'm sure i'll get along just fine!
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