Welcome to our new Miami Co-Mod!


~Nocturnal Jenn~
Premium Member
I am honored to announce that our very own speed_cochrane will be joining me as co-mod in the sunny Miami forum. :D Geni...I look forward to working with you, and I know you'll do an awesome job.

Our dear Lucy will be moving over a few forums to take the reigns in the Merchandise forum as well as the Premium Members Lounge. Luce...it was a pleasure and an honor working with you, and don't you be a stranger around here. ;) *big gigantic hugs* You're the best!
I already commented in the QSF forum, but I am so proud of you Geni! *hugs* I hope you have fun modding! Love ya!
GENI! *hugs* congrats! Remember when I told you you'd be an awesome mod? Well, I still believe that. You'll be great :) Congrats again :D
:lol: Thanks for the welcome. :)

*hugs Lucy* Be sure to check back here every once in a while! :)
Welcome and congrads speed_cochrane, hope you don't mind my reviews, they can be long. :lol: Best wishes in the new job.
Congrats Geni! :)

Lucy, I'm sure we will see each other in a few threads and there is also our nr. 1 ship. ;) *hugs*
and I decided to start posting in your new forum. :devil:
awww i have miss the welcome Miami Co Mod thread this morning. :eek: sorry Gani and congradulations ;) i know that u will do a great job as moderator in one of my fav place in talkcisfiles (not my fav tv show right now) :D

and dear Lucy ur going to miss me so much in CSI Miami forum as a Mod. wow ... :( u was so good and patient with all of us there *sigh* wish a lot luck and good time in ur new room : *hugs* as inge say now we have to read one more forum :devil:
Congrats Geni! :D

Too bad I cannot create any problems for you to solve because I'm a mod too :rolleyes: :p

Man... I need to visit Merch more often now :eek: take some vodka to Luce :eek:
Erm...I was about to wish Geni Happy Birthday in here...I have no idea why :rolleyes: apart from I'm losing it :eek: :lol: There ya go Geni - you can help fix my sanity, there's a problem for you :D

Anyways, don't forget to come visit in the H thread Luce! **hugs** :)

Congrats on your modship Geni - you'll do a grand job! :D
:lol: Ah well if it helps wibbs, it's almost my birthday. :lol:

DaWacko said
Too bad I cannot create any problems for you to solve because I'm a mod too :rolleyes: :p

Well you could just randomly shut threads and move them all over the place. :p Not that you'd do that. :lol:

*hugs Luce* I will visit you and bring you new posters of DC. :)