Was Stella right? *Cold Reveal spoilers*


Premium Member
What did you guys think of Stella's decision at the end of "Cold Reveal" to give her foster sister the heads up that she was going to come back to arrest her for murder the next day, thereby giving the woman the chance to run? She mentioned that a few months ago she wouldn't have, but presumably since Frankie, her views have changed a bit.

Personally, I liked the grey area. Mindy committed murder, so technically Stella giving her warning was wrong, but it's hard not to sympathize with what Stella did given that Mindy helped her out by running away and also, like Stella, killed a man who was trying to (in Stella's case)/did abuse her.

What do you guys think?
Speaking from a legal standpoint, what she did was wrong. She let a murderer go. It is her job to uphold the law and prosecute those who break it.

However, morally I think she was in the right. The victim, was a (suspected) child abuser and his murderer was his victim. I think Stella is trying to show a sense of protection to Veronica, like Veronica did to her when they were younger. Also, it's more than likely that Veronica will never kill again. So, Stella saw it as a one-time, heat-of-the-moment thing and decided not to persue it.
I liked the move, too. As someone who thinks pedophiles and rapists should basically be castrated, I could see how Stella would have no sympathy for the abusive foster father. And Stella having gone through something that, while not exactly the same situation, was along the same lines, was able to sympathize with Mindy. The key difference seemed to be that Stella was in immediate danger, while Mindy went looking to kill Bennett.

Do you think the decision will come back to haunt Stella?
Do you think the decision will come back to haunt Stella?

As much as I'd like to see that, TPTB aren't known for their continuity. So, I doubt it. I also don't see how they would bring back up again. Since no one can prove Stella told her to leave town, and I highly doubt Veronica is going to commit murder again, I don't see how they could come back to it. Also, Stella implied the next time she saw Veronica she was going to arrest her, I don't think Veronica's going to contact her again.
While I agree that Stella did the right thing, I think that her decision should 'come back to haunt her'. Now, TPTB probably won't ever bring it up again, but it should be a continued storyline.
Also, it's more than likely that Veronica will never kill again

I agree with one exception: you can never be so sure. Yes, she killed the man who molested her, but how do we or 'Stella' know that her act didn't unleash some 'homicidal floodgate'? (hope that made sense) She held her anger back for so long that it had to have bad effects on her mental stability. I mean, look how long it took her to take her revenge.
Hopefully that is not the case, but it would make an interesting storyline: The beloved blood sister that Stella let escape ends up being a serial killer of suspected pedophiles. It's just a thought and probably would never happen.
Stella herself said somehow that before what happened with Frankie and she had to defend herself over him she would just come and arrest her..It made a pretty nice scene..The fact that she went to talk to her was something Stella-the woman and not necessarily the detective had to do for her own..No matter how many years was the crime she knew both the ''killer'' and the ''victim'' in both ways..If the decision will haunt her?I don't know if they'll continue a story from that..There are 50% possibilities about what they'll do..