Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?


Head of the Day Shift
I've always been on the fence but "Grave Danger" convinced me. Hi, my name is Carol and I'm a Warrick/Nick shipper.

The episode was so full of great moments. Gary Dourdan was so awesome. The guilt he felt over not getting the case and his love for Nick came through in every scene he was in. When he actually started crying I nearly lost it. I keep thinking Warrick really needed to take Nick home and boil him some soup. You know he probably slept in that hospital until Nick went home.

Also, when they dug Nicky out, his first word was "Warrick". And then Warrick's, "I'm not leaving without Nick!" How cute is that! He was willing to die for Nick. Wow, I am SO shipping these two. Anyone else?
My ship for Mr. Brown is always with Catherine and it stays there because somehow, I can not see Nick and Warrick more than just friends.

I know for one that I would die for my best friend who I have known for six years. I think the fact that Warrick had pleaded that he would not leave without Nick was because of one- they're one of the closest friends on the show, two- they work together and have been working together for five years, three- they've always had a friendly relationship even in the first episode of CSI and lastly, Warrick did feel that it was his fault that Nick was stuck being burried alive instead of him due to a coin flip.

Guilt and friendship do play a role.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm completely against this and that I'm a major W/C and N/G Shipper but somehow all I can see is two really close best friends just looking out for one another.
Eeeeee!!!! I'm cheating on Greg and Nick!!!!! :D :D :D I feel like I'm having a tawdry affair on my Las Vegas OTP!!!!!! If the other Nick/Greg slashers catch me over here, I'm in trouble!

No, seriously, I saw slash vibes all over the place. Nick is pretty slashable with every male character on the show, but I admit to the guilty pleasure of reading Nick/Warrick fanfic. There's not too much out there, though. I'm sure there will be after this episode. ;)

I've heard the "it was just guilt" argument to explain Warrick's behavior, but I don't buy it. Sure, there was some guilt, but the love was there, too.

I'll ship with you, midnight!!
Lament I'm shocked, :eek: I can't believe you. I got in trouble for being at the GSR thread and here you are at Warrick/Nick, girl you are so in trouble, your cheating on Nick/Greg, do you remember what you did to me when you caught me wandering, OH Yeah, you oh us a fic girl, and I'm so telling on you

Posted by shacky20:
Lament I'm shocked, :eek: I can't believe you. I got in trouble for being at the GSR thread and here you are at Warrick/Nick, girl you are so in trouble, your cheating on Nick/Greg, do you remember what you did to me when you caught me wandering, OH Yeah, you oh us a fic girl, and I'm so telling on you


Get the stick get the stick. Show Lament what happens when you abandon Ni/Gr :lol: :lol:
Oh I got something better than that. This is in no way to discourage any Nick/Warrick shippers there, just I don't see it, I see Warrick as a ladies man only, but hey, to each his own, many don't see Nick/Greg either, so this is meant only for Lament and girl, this hurts me more than it hurts you, but
You got all over me for being at the GSR thread and made me write a fic, so *tapping foot* what do think your punishment should be???

Posted by lament:
I've heard the "it was just guilt" argument to explain Warrick's behavior, but I don't buy it. Sure, there was some guilt, but the love was there, too.

I know! I mean, if it was just guilt he would've been fine when they found him. But he was going to DIE with Nick. That's more than guilt.

This is the first time we've seen Warrick crie, right? Gosh, that was so sad.

Yay, welcome!
The way I see the Nick/Warrick relationship is that it is still unexpressed. Warrick does have the whole "ladies man" vibe going, but at the same time, he also cares deeply for Nick...so deeply it probably freaks him out a little. He may try to explain away his feelings for Nick as friendship, but clearly, it's something more.

And shacky, you'd better be nice to me, or I might be too distressed to finish "Notes" and "Good Enough." And I've already started a new chapter of "Notes." :p

edited because I evidently can't spell "chapter"
Posted by lament:
And shacky, you'd better be nice to me, or I might be too distressed to finish "Notes" and "Good Enough." And I've already started a new chapter of "Notes." :p

edited because I evidently can't spell "chapter"

Oh now that's dirty, threatening me with no more "Notes" Lament, what are you doing to me, first this and now no more 'Notes"?

Now back to previously scheduled Nick/Warrick thread.
Posted by lament:
The way I see the Nick/Warrick relationship is that it is still unexpressed. Warrick does have the whole "ladies man" vibe going, but at the same time, he also cares deeply for Nick...so deeply it probably freaks him out a little. He may try to explain away his feelings for Nick as friendship, but clearly, it's something more.

Aw, man. That sounds cute. Are there any fics out there? I've honestly never even looked, but suddenly I really wanna read one.

Yeah, I think it would freak Warrick out. A lot. I imagine that's part of the reason why his reaction was so extravagant during GD.
Aw, man. That sounds cute. Are there any fics out there? I've honestly never even looked, but suddenly I really wanna read one.

There are a few on CSI-Forensics, but I don't think I totally loved any of them. They're mostly Established Relationship stories, and Warrick seems to be just fine with the whole guy on guy thing.

I'll poke around and see if I can find anything a little more complicated.

I'd like to write one, but I'm still struggling with my characterization of Warrick. Last night helped.

Yeah, I think it would freak Warrick out. A lot. I imagine that's part of the reason why his reaction was so extravagant during GD.

Absolutely. And I actually think Nick would have an easier time with it. He's probably experimented, or even had a relationship (WITH GREG!! Sorry. ;)). But for Warrick, it would totally leave him with a feeling of compromised masculinity.
You can find some Nick/Warrick stories here:


But the site hasn't been updated since October of last year. *sigh*

Maybe now, post Grave Danger, there will be an increase in activity. *hopeful puppy dog eyes*
Don't worry lament, you're not alone. I also snuck out of the Nick/Greg thread to visit this one. I can't help it; GD brought the true depth of the Nick/Warrick relationship (whatever that may be) into focus.
Gary was so awesome in GD. I hadn't even considered the possibility of W/N before.

I'd thought about it, but never seriously.

There was that scene in...I can't remember the name of the episode, and I'm too lazy to look for it...but Warrick and Nick are working a scene, and Nick tells Warrick to keep backing up. So Warrick keeps backing up, and pretty soon, he runs into the wall. So he tells Nick, "If I back up anymore, I'll be in the closet." And Nick is all, "Then we'll go in the closet." :lol: